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Merely the Groom (Free Fellows League 2)

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“Don’t look at me.” Griff held up his hand. “I didn’t select it. Colin did.”

“Then you owe him an apology,” Alyssa commented. “For Colin has excellent taste in jewelry.” She turned Gillian’s hand so the sapphires and diamonds sparkled in the light, then leaned close and confided to Gillian, “And take it from me, that’s a wonderful quality in a husband. Mr. Dalrymple outdid himself on this one.”

“Mr. Dalrymple?” Gillian queried. “The jeweler on Bond Street?”

Alyssa nodded. “Yes.”

“But when?” She paused. “We only agreed to marry yesterday… How did he manage?” Gillian asked, glancing over to where Colin stood talking with a man who bore such a resemblance that he could only be his father. “Are you certain this ring didn’t come from a Grantham family collection? That he didn’t borro

w it from Lady McElreath?”

Alyssa bit her bottom lip, wondering if she’d just put her foot in her mouth. “No,” she answered honestly. “The Grantham family betrothal ring wasn’t half as fine as this one...” She looked to Griff.

“Go on,” Griff urged, “you’ve told her this much, you might as well tell her the rest.”

Alyssa took a deep breath. “Colin purchased this magnificent ring from Mr. Dalrymple this morning, especially for you.”

Gillian was stunned. “He bought it this morning?”

Griff nodded. “Colin woke Dalrymple up a little after dawn and stayed over two hours reviewing everything the jeweler had until he found the perfect ring. I know, because I accompanied him.”

“And you still managed to make it on time for the ceremony.” Gillian was impressed by the effort Colin had made on her behalf.

“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Alyssa assured her. “And we’re so very pleased to welcome you to our family.”

“Your family, Your Grace? I didn’t realize you and Lord—” She stumbled over his formal title and caught herself in time. “I mean, Colin, are related.”

“Call me Alyssa.” The duchess laughed, then nodded toward her husband. “And my husband is Griffin—or Griff, for short. And we aren’t Colin’s blood relations. It only feels that way, doesn’t it, Griffin?”

“It does indeed,” the duke answered. “And actually, we are blood relations.” He held out his right palm so his wife and Gillian could see the thin, barely detectable white scar bisecting it. The three original Free Fellows had pricked their thumbs in order to sign the Free Fellows League Charter in blood, but they had completed the ritual afterward by raking the knifepoint across their right palms, creating thin ribbons of blood that merged as the boys shook hands with one another and became blood brothers for the rest of their lives. “Colin and I met at school when we were boys. We’ve different parents, but he is my brother. We mingled our blood and made it so.”

Alyssa looked at Gillian and gave a mock shudder. “Little boys are the only creatures on earth who mark their friendships by drawing blood.”

Griff arched an eyebrow at his wife and in a voice heavy with innuendo, replied, “I disagree.”

“Little girls don’t—”

“Perhaps not,” he admitted, “But you and I have become the closest of friends since I drew blood from you.”

“Griffin Abernathy!” His blatant sexual intimation in Gillian’s presence surprised his wife. “I’m shocked that you would say such a thing with Colin’s bride in earshot!”

“No, you’re not,” he said. “Surprised, perhaps, but not shocked.” He looked at his wife. “I’ve done far more shocking things in your presence—and you know it.”

Alyssa giggled at the memory of some of the more shocking things he’d done in her presence. “You’re right,” she told him. “I’m surprised that you would say such a thing in Gillian’s presence and—”

“And...” he prompted.

“I’m surprised you have scars of which I’ve been unaware.” She took her husband’s right hand and kissed his palm. “I thought I knew them all intimately.”

“I keep a few in reserve,” Griff teased, “just to keep you guessing, because you seem to enjoy searching for them.”

“You enjoy the search every bit as much as I do,” Alyssa reminded him.

Gillian blushed at the easy intimacy between the duke and duchess. It was clearly apparent that theirs was a love match, and Gillian couldn’t suppress a twinge of envy. They shared the sort of companionship she always hoped she would have with the man she married. Unfortunately, that sort of camaraderie had been impossible with the first man she’d married. But now that she’d been given a second chance, Gillian prayed she might one day share the same sort of loving relationship with Colin McElreath.

“Now, see what you’ve done,” Alyssa pretended to admonish her husband. “You’ve made Gillian blush again.”

“Brides are supposed to blush.” Griff’s eyes twinkled when he turned to look at Gillian. “That’s why they call them blushing brides.”

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