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Merely the Groom (Free Fellows League 2)

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“I’ve never heard you speak of it,” Gillian said.

“Some memories should only be shared on special occasions,” her mother said. “Today is a special occasion, and Plum Cottage is one of those memories.”

“Thank you for sharing it, Mama.”

“You’re welcome, Gilly-flower. Now,” her mother whispered, “go home with your young man and make a few special memories of your own.”

When all the toasts to the health of the bride and groom had been offered and accepted, and Gillian and Colin had presented their gifts to the members of the wedding party and to the household staff, Gillian turned to Colin, “I should go upstairs now and change into a traveling dress.” She smoothed her hands down the front of her dress in a gesture Colin was beginning to associate with nerves.

“You look beautiful.” Colin stared at her, taking in every nuance of her appearance as he attempted to inscribe her image on his memory. Gillian was every man’s dream in that dress. What healthy male would want her to change out of it? Unless he was the man granted the good fortune to watch or to help as she removed it? “I had hoped you might keep that dress on.”

His obvious disappointment at her decision to change into a more suitable traveling dress surprised as well as pleased her. “I don’t have to change,” she told him. “It is my wedding day. And this is my wedding gown. I can wear it if you’d like.”

“I’d like,” he murmured in the low, husky burr she was beginning to recognize.

Gillian rewarded him with a smile before she turned to say good-bye to her mother and father. Colin placed a hand at the base of Gillian’s spine and escorted her to the door. Lord and Lady Davies walked with them and stood watching as the young unmarried ladies gathered on the circle of lawn surrounding the front steps.

Standing by his side, Gillian tucked her left hand in Colin’s and tossed her wedding bouquet toward the cluster of young ladies. She smiled as her new sister-in-law, Liana, jumped to catch it.

Colin frowned as Liana came away with the nosegay and waved it at him.

“Don’t worry,” Gillian said. “She hasn’t made her curtsy to the regent yet, and she can’t get married until she does.”

“Unless she decides to elope,” Colin replied without thinking.

“That’s always a possibility,” Gillian answered in a small voice. “But Liana seems the sensible sort. I doubt she’ll make the same mistake I made.”

Colin looked at his bride. “I didn’t mean to—”

“No matter,” she said. “It’s over and done with.”

“No regrets,” he said.

Gillian managed a smile. “I wish it were that easy,” she said. “But I’ve plenty of regrets. And my biggest regret is that I met him before I met you.”

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Colin brought Gillian’s hand to his lips and planted a gentle kiss on the fleshy part of her palm. He didn’t speak. He couldn’t. For he knew, even if she did not, that he was a sworn Free Fellow, and if Gillian had met him first, she wouldn’t be standing beside him today wearing his ring and sharing his name.

Chapter Nineteen

“Your heart’s desires be with you!”

—William Shakespeare, 1564-1616

As You Like It

Curiosity and pride of ownership got the best of them in the end as Number Twenty-one Park Lane beckoned them like a lover to bed.

Colin placed his hand beneath Gillian’s elbow and handed her into the coach that would take them on their honeymoon. Gillian settled on the padded seat, closed her eyes, and heaved a sigh of relief at being able to relax and to drop the smile she’d worn throughout the morning.

She felt the sway of the coach and automatically lifted her skirts out of the way as Colin climbed in beside her. He sat back on the seat and stretched his long legs in the limited space between the bench seats, then reached into his coat and took the house keys from his inner pocket. “Lady Grantham,” he called in a singsong voice.

Gillian opened her eyes.

Two heavy brass front door keys dangled from Colin’s index finger. “Might I interest you in joining me on an inspection of our property before we begin our honeymoon? Or would you prefer to go on to Shepherdston Hall?”

She beamed at him, and her smile seemed to light up the interior of the coach. “I was hoping you would ask.”

Colin grinned his boyishly attractive grin. He rapped on the ceiling and issued directions to the driver. “Take the Post Road to Northamptonshire, by way of Number Twenty-one Park Lane.”

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