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Truly a Wife (Free Fellows League 4)

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Daniel fought for control. He narrowed his gaze until a furrow formed between his eyebrows and he was practically scowling. But Miranda wasn’t fooled or intimidated by his apparent disregard. She stalked him like a tiger stalking her prey, smiling as a muscle in his jaw began to pulse. She moved closer, then lifted her arms, looped them over his head and brushed her breasts against his shirtfront.

Daniel abandoned all thought of maintaining control. He opened his arms in welcome and Miranda settled into them—a peeress in her own right and now his duchess, as naked as the day she was born.

The sight of her nearly took his breath away. Daniel bent his head to kiss her and Miranda met him halfway.

“I apologize for keeping you waiting all morning, milady,” he murmured. “But there was business to which I had to attend.”

“Smuggling plans, no doubt.” She licked the seam of his lips.

“No doubt,” he agreed, running his hands up her ribs before filling them with the weight of her breasts. He nibbled at her lips, then trailed a line of kisses from her mouth down her chin and neck to the tops of her breasts, finally ending his journey by suckling first one and then the other of her perfectly fashioned globes, dropping down onto his knees in front of her in ord

er to do so.

“I missed you.” He surprised himself with the admission. “I found myself thinking about you at the oddest times.”

“That’s good,” she said, sliding her fingers through his thick dark hair, pressing his face against her stomach. “Because I missed you, too. And I found myself thinking of you at the oddest times, wondering if you’d come back or if my declaration of love would frighten you away.”

“I’m not that easily frightened, Your Grace,” he teased. “Honored, perhaps. Humbled, surely. But frightened of a shy, retiring little thing like you?”

“I’m pleased to hear it,” she answered. “Because I intend to exhibit a great deal more shy and retiring behavior in your presence.”

“Go ahead,” he encouraged. “I dare you.” Reaching behind her, Daniel cupped her buttocks and pulled her closer. He tilted his head and teased the tiny kernel of pleasure hidden beneath the silky auburn curls of her woman’s triangle with the tip of his tongue. “A lady of impeccable manners and taste,” he drawled. “I like that in a duchess.”

Tasting and teasing her with his mouth and tongue, Daniel worked his magic until she screamed his name in pleasurable release. He held her close as he got to his feet, pressing her against him as he gently lowered her onto the bed, then retreated far enough away to divest himself of his garments.

Miranda watched as he bared his body, then slowly parted her legs in invitation as Daniel joined her on the bed, settling against her and sighing with pleasure as he carefully sheathed himself inside her.

He pressed his lips against the curve of her neck and focused on the feel of their exquisite joining. She was warm and wet and welcoming, and he was rock hard and consumed with wanting. Theirs was a perfect fit and Daniel stroked her with a passionate urgency that bespoke his great need of her. Miranda answered him stroke for stroke, giving as much as she took, and begging for more.

They made sweet passionate love throughout the long hours of the afternoon and far into the night, and when at last he collapsed on the pillow beside her and closed his eyes, Daniel knew he need never fear revealing his secrets, for they were safe with her—as safe as the part of him she cradled within her. And Daniel knew, without a doubt, that he was forever changed by her touch because Miranda had captured his heart and soul with her essence.

Daniel knew with unshakable certainty that even should he live to be a thousand years old, he would never love anyone or anything as much as he loved Miranda.

He whispered in her ear, but the words came out as a soft, satisfied murmur too low for her to hear.

She slept undisturbed.

Daniel kissed the top of her head, fanning her hair with his breath as he held her cradled against his side, and dreamed the dreams of the future.

* * *

The early-morning light had begun to fill the sky when Miranda opened her eyes. She reached for Daniel and knew a moment of panic when she realized he was gone.

She threw back the covers, got to her feet, and hurried to the balcony door. Pushing the door open, she scanned the balcony, hoping to find him there.

But Daniel wasn’t on the balcony.

He was below it, standing on the bank of the lake, staring at the small punt bobbing on the surface of the dark water.

Wrapping herself in a sheet, Miranda left the bedroom and hurried outside to join him.

He jumped when she touched him on the shoulder, and when he turned to look at her, Miranda saw that his face bore a decidedly greenish cast. “Daniel, what are you doing out here? Are you ill?”

“I’ve a confession to make,” he said, trying desperately to smile.

“I spoiled your surprise?”

He shook his head. “Don’t paint me with the brush of romance just yet,” he warned. “Because I’m not at all certain I can live up to it.”

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