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Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance)

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I ran my fingers over the soft, expensive fabric and held it up to my nose. It smelled clean with only the slightest hint of his cologne. I put it on, and it hung on me like a makeshift dress.

As I readied myself to investigate the kitchen, I wondered about the selection of food a professional athlete might stock, and I expect just slabs of beef and protein powder.

Out into the hallway, I headed toward the living room cum kitchen, only to hear another door click right next to me on the opposite side of the hallway to Ethan’s bedroom.

I turned to see it open slowly.

And I froze in place. Was it family?

Given his multi-million-dollar salary, I’d assumed Ethan lived alone. Why would he have any need for a roommate?

Should I dash back to the bedroom and get dressed in something more decent than one of his shirts and literally nothing else?

Before I could do anything, it was too late. The door opened, and I locked eyes with a man standing in the doorway.

Just as I hadn’t expected to see him and assumed I was alone, it appeared he was of the same mistaken opinion, judging by his appearance.

He stopped dead still and stared at me. Then a broad grin replaced his initial look of surprise.

Tyler Reed had a towel hanging around his neck, and that was pretty much the only thing he wore.

Like literally nothing else.

I was greeted front and center with an unhindered view of his muscular body.

Wearing only a loose shirt secured by a couple of buttons, I wondered how I appeared to him. I didn’t dare glance down to check my appearance, because if I looked anywhere other than his face, I might have stared for too long at things I shouldn’t have seen. Plus, any movement may have caused my body covering to fall open and reveal even more of me to his gaze.



I didn’t expect to run into you right here.

“Well, hello there. I thought you’d left when I heard the front door a little while earlier.” If I weren’t alone, I wouldn’t wander through the apartment butt naked.

“Um, no. That was Ethan; he had to go out.”

Too late to cover up, I kept my hand on the towel around my neck, and with the other, I used my thumb to indicate the bathroom behind me. “Shower,” I said by way of a rather pathetic explanation for my lack of clothing. “Plumbing problems in my bathroom.”

“Oh,” she said. “Of course.”

As if we were a couple of nudists stopping to have a chat at a naturist holiday camp. She didn’t rush away or show any signs of embarrassment beyond the fact of our stilted conversation.

She stared at my face, and I stared at hers, although I’d clocked that she seemed to be wearing not much more than me. Just one oversized shirt, which I recognized as Ethan’s, held together by one button.

I wanted to look down at her, and I had an inkling she wanted to look down at me. Instead, we stood focused on each other’s eyes.

“While I don’t mind a beautiful girl like you hanging around my condo, I have to ask, what are you doing?”

She swallowed, and I noticed her gaze slide down my body.

“Kayla?” I prompted and resisted the urge to point to my face.

Eyes up here, girl!

But I didn’t mind the attention. I couldn’t deny it, not when the evidence was growing between us. It swelled with pride until it pointed right at her.

“Uh... coffee. Breakfast,” she stuttered. Her gaze darted back up to my face as her cheeks reddened slightly. “Ethan had to go, so I was going to find out what’s in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, well, given the noise you made last night, I’m not surprised you worked up an appetite.” Normally, I wouldn’t embarrass any of Ethan’s lady-friend guests by telling them I’d heard them moaning, but this one had just been gawking at my erection, so I saw no reason to be coy.

I didn’t tell her the whole story. I didn’t tell her how I’d jerked off last night, and her moans helped that along.

I didn’t know it was Kayla in there with Ethan, of course. He doesn’t send me updates about his one-night stands. But by coincidence, it was Kayla that I fantasized about while she fucked my roommate.

“Oh, you heard that? I, er, assumed we were alone. I just thought, well, I didn’t know Ethan shared this place. Sorry.” She was sweet when she was all stuttery and embarrassed.

“You don’t need to be sorry, sweet. I didn’t mind at all. I very much appreciate it.”

Fuck it. My desire won out, and I let my gaze fall to feast upon the sight of her. The loose-hanging shirt only just covered her voluptuous breasts. I licked my lips, and my erection bounced in front of me, betraying all of my thoughts.

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