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Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance)

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Explain the connection between players and hallways.

And then he kissed me.

I may have whimpered and sighed a little as I took to my tiptoes and kissed Lewis right back.

I completely didn’t expect it right then, although I expected it once we were in my apartment.

The thing was, we’d hung out together like buddies. There was nothing particularly romantic about the afternoon, but it was fun. When we were all on our way up to my place for a nightcap, it was obviously going to turn sexual. I was still unprepared when it happened.

Jake’s hands on my hips and his erection against my butt confirmed they were both into this, and there wasn’t one of them planning to take the role of sit-out strawberry.

The thought of myself as the filling in a Rollins twins’ sandwich practically made my legs give way there and then.

We were standing in a communal hallway shared by several apartments; I damn well wasn’t going to let things go any further right there.

I pushed Lewis back away from me. “Come on then.” And I darted up the stairs.

My door was the last one, and those stairs were what kept me fit. I only hoped it was enough if I was going to take on the twins.

I put the key in the lock to my apartment, turned, pushed, and felt for the light switch.

“Let there be light.”

And then the men were on me again. It was so fast I barely registered who got to me first, but that guy glued his mouth against mine while the other shut the door before kissing my neck.

There were hands everywhere. I swear they only appeared to have two hands each, but up close, they managed to fondle me in so many places at once it didn’t seem real. It was such a confusing blur that I almost thought some of those hands might be mine, but both of my palms were pressed against two firm man breasts.

“S— Stop,” I murmured.

And like that, they stopped.


They stopped kissing me to aid communication, but they must have figured squeezing my ass didn’t stop us from talking. And it wasn’t as if I’d taken my hands off them.

“Should we be doing this?”

I had no idea why I said that. I wanted to take the girl with the doubts and shake her. When did she think she’d get a second chance at something like this?

“Hmm? What provoked this?” Jake asked.

“I think we should,” Lewis said at the same time.

“Um, the both of you. Are you both just okay with this? Both of you? At the same time?”

The guys didn’t seem to understand what I was saying.

“Men don’t usually share, or is this just a twin thing?”

Ah, right. Once I said it aloud, the twin threesome was probably something many people expected free-spirited young guys to enjoy.

“I want you, Kayla.” Jake stroked his hand over my hair, his fingers massaging my scalp. “Lewis wants you aw well. That’s just how it is sometimes, and we’ve accepted that. Can you accept that?”

I nibbled my lip before I realized I was doing it.

Ninety-five percent of women would say yes to both of them simultaneously, and as if to prove I was only ordinary, I wasn’t going to deviate from the majority.

But still, for a brief moment, I worried about being shared by the football team. Where would this lead? Who’d be next?

“Kay, what Jake’s trying to say is we don’t usually do this. But you are an exceptional woman. You’ve enraptured my brother and me.”

I nodded.

My descent into debauchery was happily continuing, apparently.

I wasn’t just satisfied with driving a wedge between two best friends; no, now I had to go get in between a pair of twins with my pseudo-homewrecking skills.

Fuck me for even thinking about it.

Then again, I really was about to get fucked.

I led the twins through to my bedroom, where I proceeded to remove my clothes as if I was in control of things. Which I was not. In fact, I was way out of my depth but just kept swimming.

The guys stripped off their shirts and pants until they stood there in tenting underwear.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Lewis said, his eyes kind of glazed over. “So fucking sexy. So fucking... just... every good word I can think of. You’re all of that.”

Way to flatter a girl.

I didn’t know what to say, so I giggled.

Actions speak louder than words. He guided me to lie down on my bed and pulled down my panties.

The way he looked at my down there was something else. It made me feel so sexy. I wanted to spread my legs wider so they could both get an eyeful.

Jake hummed his approval at what he saw.

But then I had to close my eyes and simply enjoy the sensations, because Lewis’s hot mouth claimed my most private parts, and Jake took up a position next to his brother where he proceeded to lavish attention on my nipples and boobs.

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