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Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance)

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And all the time, I attempted to give Tyler the best head.

I intended to be the best and dirtiest and sluttiest girl any of them ever wanted in the bedroom, so they’d never want to stray, and they’d want to do this sort of thing with me often.

“Kay, sweet, you are sucking that dick so nice. I see my friends have gotten condoms ready. I know you’re ready for them. But if you want anyone to stop, you only have to say.”

I tried to smile with my eyes, as there was no way I wanted anything to stop, and then I had a thought. I wondered how much these men might use me.

Ty mentioned friends and condoms plural, and I experienced a wicked thrill at the idea of two or even three cocks entering me. Was three possible?

The thought of two of the guys fucking me at once—one in my vag the other in my ass—absolutely thrilled me, and it was something I’d want to try if they did.

The cock slipped inside me easily, even though all the guys were big. I was that turned on. It filled me perfectly, and as he proceeded to thrust, it hit all the right places just how I liked. I could never have too much of this good thing, even if Christmas came every day.

I was well and truly in my element when Ethan appeared within my line of sight. I was surprised to see he was still dressed. There was something about that, and the fact that the front of his pants tented around his erection, that made everything even more erotic.

Do you usually like to watch?

If four of us had put on a show for him to watch, I wanted him so riled up with arousal that he couldn’t resist ripping his clothes off and fucking me hard.

Now, I knew where Ethan was standing, and I knew Tyler’s hands were on my head. So whatever else I felt must have been down to the naughty twins. One of them fucked me. But who touched my pussy? I wasn’t sure.

Did they also think of double penetration? They didn’t say anything about it, but someone stroked along my crack and around the edge of my rim. Were they teasing me? Did they plan to get me to beg them to fuck my ass? Because they were going the right way about it.



A different kind of performance and a different kind of audience.

The twins were perfectly at ease with each other, even when sexing about. And I had no qualms about joining in with a group thing. It was consensual and respectful. But I could tell Ethan wasn’t at ease.

When you knew a guy as well as I knew him, I could just about read his mind from watching his body language. He hadn’t left; he’d stayed. He wanted to be a part of it, especially once he saw Kay was into it.

“Can you take over here, dude?” I pulled my cock back and out of Kay’s mouth.

She pouted a silent protest and batted her eyelashes at me.

“Come on. Don’t disappoint her. You can see how much she loves sucking cock.”

“I do.” She smiled and nodded at Ethan.

And I fell in love with her right then.

Who couldn’t love a girl who loved sex like that? A woman who wants to suck your cock and your friend’s cock and let the rest of your friends fuck her too. At the time, it was all scorching hot and sexy.

Ethan did the right thing and pulled his pants down because any guy who turned down a blow job, under those circumstances, would be a jerk who didn’t deserve to be there.

As for me, I’d watched every action and reaction from my prime position, and my mind worked overtime when I saw the look on her face.

This girl had a great appetite for sex, like the rest of us, and I reckoned she was equally as adventurous. But perhaps we didn’t need to do every possible activity all on our first time together. Especially given it was after midnight, and we’d played a game earlier that day.

Nevertheless, I wanted to taste our girl and fuck her.

The twins were happy to step aside for me, and Lewis handed me a condom which I put on in readiness. But first, I had to taste her and test her reaction. I lowered my face between the two globes of her ass and tongued her crack.

Her wanton moan around Ethan’s dick told me I’d done something right, so I proceeded to focus on her tight, puckered hole, licking it, probing it, getting it good and wet and ready to take a finger.

“You want some lube, Ty?” Lewis whispered to me when I stood up straight.

“Hmm,” I said, and he handed me the tube. I guess it must have been in the same drawer where the twins found the condoms. They certainly seemed to know their way around her bedroom.

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