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Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance)

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“Dear,” Diane said, stroking Dad’s silvery hair. “I’m not marrying you because of who you can or can’t beat up.”

“Damn, I thought you loved me for my guns,” he said, trying to flex what little muscle he had.

“Well,” I interrupted, “I guess since we shared our news and received your blessing, we should part for the night.”

My father nodded. “We should, but I must admit, when I’ve had more time to think this through, I might have questions.”

“Then we’ll leave you to sleep on it.” Jake urged me toward the door, and the rest of our crew followed.

I heard Ty murmur something about not enough sleep for the wicked. And Lewis added a comment about the five of us being very wicked.



It isn’t all about sex.

We bundled into a taxi and raced back to our place. As soon as this thing we had going became a thing, I bought a couple of new beds for my room to make sure we had somewhere comfortable to get together, and Kay and the twins ended up in my room most nights, along with Ethan and me, of course.

Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t all just about sex.

We’d sit around talking or playing with any of the gizmos Ethan and I had collected.

We soon discovered Kay was an intimidating adversary at video games, air hockey, pool, and most things, really. In many ways, having her around was like hanging out with one of the guys from the team. Only she was far better looking, of course.

At times, when she’d handed me my ass at one activity or another, I’d say, “I’m just glad you don’t play football for a rival team.” And I was only half-joking.

But for all that, she was the sexiest woman I knew. She had curves to die for. A scent that made me gulp the surrounding air. And an ass that made me trail behind her like a newly hatched duckling.

Her cooking made me moan with pleasure, and her smile made my cock hard.

Truthfully, I couldn’t go out in public with her.

And I even asked her whether she’d consider being a full-time prisoner in my apartment; if it appealed to her, I’d be happy to oblige. Ethan and the twins both agreed there was some merit to that suggestion, but she insisted it had downsides.

Who was I to argue if she wanted to get dressed and go outside in the big bad world when she wanted?

Fortunately, we kept tempting her to return to our lair.

Much as I’d have loved to have her all to myself, and I would never have dreamed about getting myself in this group scenario, I had to admit it worked well and suited everyone.

We guys all had the girl of our dreams, and we were able to spoil her and treat her right far more than any one of us would ever manage to on his own.

And she had all she ever wanted. There was always a man ready to give her anything she needed, whether to share a chat, a joke, and some company. Or have sex. When one of us couldn’t go on any longer, there was always another guy ready to take over.

And it surprised me how much I liked seeing my girl with the other guys.

It turned me on, knowing she was as into fucking everything so much that she could do us all in and take us all on.

Much as I played the bad boy, I had the deepest respect for women, and I didn’t want to do anything that would make her feel used and degraded. I only wanted her to feel loved and cherished.



I’m so wound up with worry and anticipation.

Never was I more ready for some stress relief. And I could count on my guys to deliver it.

“Meet you all in Ty’s room in ten minutes,” I said and rushed into the guest bathroom to freshen myself up.

I had a quick but thorough shower before slipping into the new underwear that I’d purchased. It was the tiniest pieces of thin, flimsy fabric that left nothing to the imagination and fitted inside a corner of my purse. It wasn’t really underwear at all—just a gimmick. But I suspected the boys would love it. And I’d enjoy it, too.

I’d never imagined myself wearing something so slutty. Not even in the bedroom. But in recent weeks, I’d lived out a whole pile of fantasies that I’d never imagined I’d do in reality.

If I had to sum it all up, I guess I loved how they looked at me. Hence the underwear. I covered it up with one of my new Hugo Boss dresses.

The dress was lovely, but decent enough that I could wear it outside. It had been a surprise gift from the twins, along with the watch. It turned out they bought these items when I wasn’t paying attention, that first day when we hung out and went shopping.

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