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Blind Date (A Why Choose Romance)

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Whether this was the best position for DP, I had my doubts, but the fun was in the trying, and this was definitely the best position for enjoying the sight of her beautiful pussy.

I leaned forward and licked the smooth skin all around with just the tip of my tongue before attacking the protruding hard nub of her clit.

When I entered into this poly relationship, it opened my eyes to how much I’d lived my life in the tame lane. I’d discovered a whole lot of stuff about myself and new things I liked.

I liked watching other people have sex. How about that?

It took a while for me to get comfortable being watched.

I didn’t have to take part in a spectacle. Nobody forced me to join in. They were all happy for me to watch. And I had plenty of one-on-one time with Kay.

But I was starting to discover I liked group sex. It wasn’t making love; it was having fun with the people I cared about and the woman I loved.

It was fair to say I’d fallen in love with Kayla.

We all had.

It was love at first sight that only grew stronger and more profound the better we knew her.

Her slit was so wet, as usual.

I pushed a finger inside her, and it was weird to feel how tight it felt with Ty’s dick taking up space on the other side of a thin wall of skin.

“I don’t think this is the position for it,” I said. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

“Well, move over and let some twins taste her before we change positions,” snapped Jake.

I hadn’t yet gotten used to being right next to a dude while he jerked his own dick, but the rest of them seemed to have no problem with it. I didn’t dislike it; it just seemed odd.

I backed away, and the brothers both lavished attention on her with their mouths and fingers and had her coming within minutes.

When Ty and Kay changed positions, I asked Lewis, “How do you guys do that without accidentally kissing each other?”

Jake laughed as if I’d said the funniest thing.

“Years of practice,” Lewis answered me with a grin. “No, seriously, we’ve talked about it beforehand. We’ve planned our attack. He sticks to his ground, and I stick to mine.”

Ty was on his back; he’d lost the condom because his dick was now in a different hole, and she was riding him slowly and kissing him.

Jake lost no time in rubbering up and moving in behind her with a tube of lube in his hand. He slathered it everywhere on his dick, hands, and her ass. And then he slowly eased in.

Kay stopped kissing Ty and threw her head back with a moan. “Oh, God.”

“Fucking tight.” Jake’s voice was strained, but he still managed to give us a thumbs up and a grin like the cat who’d found the cream.

I reckon this might take a while if they went slow, so I took a seat, and Lewis did the same. But it could also so easily be over in an instant. The sexual charge in the room was palpable.

Everyone in the threesome stayed still for a long time, and when they started to move, it was slow and tentative.

“How is it?” Ty asked.

“Great,” she replied. “Just great.”

“It feels amazing to me,” Jake assured us all. Lucky bastard.

“My dick’s being squashed in a way that feels fucking amazing,” Ty said. “Too fucking good.”

“That’s what we’ve got to look forward to.” Lewis winked at me before adding, “If she’s still up for it.”



In my early twenties I worried about my freakishly overly-close relationship with my brother.

We didn’t know any guys as close as we were except perhaps our neighbors in our apartment block, but they were a married gay couple, so no comparison there.

Doing sexy stuff with a sibling might be weird, but we definitely weren’t gay, and we never touched each other, although some people might have suspected we did.

So, I wasn’t in love with my brother in an incestuous way, but I did love him to the extent that I couldn’t imagine living without him. And I knew that was strange by most people’s standards.

We clicked. We were like opposites that worked well together.

We pretty much always shared girls but never met any we both really liked. And the girls we did spend time with only wanted us to fulfill their own kinky fetish for twins.

But under all that weirdness, we were also individuals, and the only people who seemed to really understand and accept us were a few of our friends, plus Ty, Ethan, and Kayla.

When we met her and spent time with her, we knew right away she was the perfect girl for both of us. We couldn’t stop talking about it afterward.

When I watched my brother fuck her, it made me as happy as if I were fucking her myself. Weird, right? I was strange. Strange but harmless.

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