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Hot Single Daddy

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Bella nods and smiles, although it’s just a baby smile. “You said you got the wine in Italy? Was that recently?”

“Yup, just last week,” I say. “It was a great trip because I always enjoy Italy, and the wine comes from a little place I stumbled upon a few years ago. I was driving to my hotel from the airport and took a few wrong turns, only to end up at a vineyard. The people were kind and gave me directions, but not until they fed me and served me the vino from their backyard. I’ve gone back every trip since. It’s Italian hospitality at its finest.”

She nods, loosening up a bit as she takes a bite of chicken.

“That sounds really amazing. You’re so lucky you get to travel all over, and I even remember how you used to take Faith with you. She always raved about her trips, and we were so jealous.”

I smile. On school breaks when she was younger, I’d take my daughter along to see the world. They were great father-daughter bonding experiences, but they ended when she was about fifteen. Faith was no longer interested in traveling with me, and she had other interests, like hanging out with her friends and going to live concerts. It’s okay. I understand that my little girl is growing up. But now, I have her friend next to me, who is definitely a grown woman.

“So honey, enough about me. How are things at Crème? You’ve been there a while now, right?”

Bella nods, nibbling a bit at the broccoli.

“Two years next month! I love it because I adore cosmetics and actually, I want to be a professional makeup artist one day. Working retail is just the first step in the process.”

I didn’t know that, but it makes sense. Bella’s always giving Faith makeovers with lots of glittery products, although I didn’t love the Ziggy Stardust look they had a few months ago.

“I’m sure you’ll be great at it. I heard you with that customer earlier, and you have talent. The girl looked supercharged, hopeful, and eager after talking to you.”

Her eyes widen. “You overheard? I didn’t see you until Lizzy told me you were there.”

I grin.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to creep in the background. I just didn’t want to interrupt while you were working, but yeah. You did a wonderful job, and if I remember, that girl walked out with quite the haul.”

Bella giggles.

“I know, right? But I really do enjoy what I do, and the customer was pretty. She just needed some tips on what to do to emphasize her features.” The conversation continues smoothly. As we eat and chat, the flow of words is easy and the banter witty. Soon, our plates and glasses are empty.

I take our dishes into the kitchen and return with a paper bag in hand. Bella’s cheeks go red immediately, knowing what’s inside.

“Here you are, honey. I’m sure you’re ready to take back what you came for.”

Her cheeks flame as she stares at the ground. “I really am sorry about leaving it here. I hope you don’t think it was disrespectful…”

“Not at all. Young women have needs, just like everybody else. I understand that.”

“Thanks, Marcus.”

Obviously, Bella doesn’t realize that I saw her playing with the toy, but I don’t to add to her distress right now. Instead, I hand her the bag and she pulls out the dildo. It still smells like her sweetness, and it’s even gleaming a bit under the lights. Immediately, she tosses it back in like she shouldn’t have let me see it.

I put my hand on her arm. “Don’t worry about it, Bella. It’s okay. Like I said, women have needs too. It’s not just men who crave release.”

She bites her lip before glancing up at me from beneath her lashes.

“But you’re my friend’s dad, and I’ve known you forever. It’s so embarrassing!”

I decide to be upfront then because it may help her calm down a bit.

“Actually, Bella, I have a confession to make too.” Immediately, her gaze jerks up to mine. I can sense she already knows what’s coming. “Yes,” I nod. “I saw you playing with yourself last night. I came home late, and your door was ajar.”

She gasps, and her face turns absolutely scarlet.

“Oh my god!” she cries. “You saw?”

I nod. “But there’s no reason to be embarrassed, sweetheart, because I liked what I saw. You were plush, curvy, and so obviously enjoying yourself. It’s nice to see a woman in tune with her body like that.”

She stammers, unable to form any words.

“And just so you know,” I add, “I came too. I stood in the doorway and touched myself while watching you. I don’t know that I’ve ever climaxed so hard in my life, you turned me on so much.”

Her eyes widen.

“Are you serious?” she gasps.

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