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Hot Single Daddy

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“That’s what I need!”

“Sure, let me show you where we keep the display.”

I take her around to a few different areas of the store and end up filling the woman’s basket with a ton of new makeup options. She’s thrilled when we get to checkout, even though she ends up spending a lot more than planned.

“I just came in for concealer, but I am so glad I met you. Thank you for everything! I’m Mabel by the way. And you are?”

“Bella,” I reply with a smile, handing her the receipt. “Come by anytime. I’m always happy to help.” She smiles again and waves on her way out as I return the gesture. Perfect. Another satisfied customer. This job is amazing.

Lizzy sidles up behind me at the register. “Great work, Bells. How much did she end up buying?”

I turn to my co-worker with a mock frown.

“You know it’s not just about the sales. It’s about giving customers hope.”

Lizzy merely chortles.

“Oh my god, you’ve really drunk the Kool-Aid. But by the way, there’s a man over by blush display waiting to talk to you. That’s what I really came over for.”

“Hmm, okay. Let me see what he needs.”

Lizzy’s glance is mischievous. “Let me know when you find out, girlfriend. It could be fun!”

I merely shake my head while starting for the back of the shop. We do sell products for men, but it’s not often that we get a male customer. More likely, he’s shopping for a girlfriend and wants some assistance, although I’m not sure why he asked for me specifically. Maybe his girlfriend is one of my regulars?

I turn the corner by the fake eyelash display and then skid to a halt because it’s not any random guy. It’s Marcus Randall, huge and broad, looking even more masculine standing next to a line of pretty pink blushes. What is he doing here?

He doesn’t see me at first, so I have a chance to take in the gorgeous pilot. He’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt, although I can’t help but remember the shorts he had on this morning. They didn’t leave much to the imagination, and my mouth waters upon remembering the thick snake that wrapped around his waist.

But now the handsome man looks up, catching me staring. His blue eyes flash mischievously.

“Hey Bella.”

“Hi, Mr. Randall!” I chirp with fake cheer, a blush staining my cheeks. Oh my god, everything that happens around this man is so embarrassing! “How can I help you? Are you shopping for a gift for Faith?”

He merely smiles and shakes his head.

“No, I’m not shopping for Faith. I came to see you, actually.”

I flush. “You did? Oh my god, did we spill make-up on the carpet or the sofa? I’m so sorry. I know of some industrial strength cleaner that will get it out—”

But he stops me mid-sentence.

“Nope, the furniture’s all fine. Actually, I have something I need to give you.”

I shoot him a puzzled glance.

“Oh. Did I leave something at your house? I’m so sorry, I thought I grabbed everything before I left. I even double-checked.”

He nods, those blue eyes flashing again.

“You did, and it’s nothing like that. Um, is there somewhere private we can talk?”

I shoot him a confused look but then smile brightly.

“Yes, of course! Let’s go out back for a second. I just have to tell my coworker so she can cover the floor.”

I lead Marcus towards the back door of the shop. As we pass Lizzy, I tell her I’ll return in just a minute. She gives me a smile and a discreet thumbs up as we stroll by and I groan internally. Oh god, please don’t embarrass me even more, is my thought. But why is Marcus here? What did I forget at the Randall home that needs to be returned so urgently?

I mentally run through what I packed, but I’m pretty sure I gathered my toothbrush, my clothes, and all the cosmetics I brought over. Even if I didn’t, I’ve left stuff at the Randalls’ house before and it’s no big deal. Generally, I just pick it up the next time I’m around.

The warm, summer air hits me as we exit the back of Crème. This is the loading area for accepting deliveries, and it’s a deserted concrete strip. There are a bunch of stores on this block, but the other businesses don’t use it much, so as usual, it’s just tarmac with a few dead shrubs nearby. I turn to the handsome pilot with a smile.

“Thanks so much for stopping by, Mr. Randall. But you didn’t have to. I could have picked it up whatever it is tomorrow, or even today. You didn’t have to make a special trip.”

He merely smiles mysteriously before reaching into his pocket.

“No, I thought you might be missing this too much to wait. It’s better to get it back to you sooner rather than later.”

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