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The Billionaire's Valentine Vixen

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Walking and breathing at the same time is a struggle as I take the few steps to the guest suite where Alice is sleeping.

Don’t do this. It’s a violation of her privacy. Maybe her rights.

I ignore the logical bounce of thoughts in my head, my cock swollen already to the point of pain as I turn the knob on her door, my ear to the wood, waiting for her to shriek and tell me to get out.

Instead, as I open it just enough to have a view of the bed where her stunning form should be, my whole body freezes. The bed is still made. The bedside light is on. I take a step into the room, the pulsing in my cock nearly making me double over as her scent fills the air and I see her backpack and some belongings strewn over the rug.

Seeing her things here only drives my obsession. Her bathroom door is open, there’s no sound, no sign of her.

Where the fuck is she? The kitchen and the downstairs were dark when I went through, but this absurdly large house could have drawn her anywhere.

I didn’t think I was going to have to do a full house sweep like a fucking swat team to find her, but if she wants to make this harder on me, I’m up for the challenge.

I work my way back toward the front of the hallway that leads to the main staircase. My own bedroom is up ahead at the end of the hall. There’s a hint of light under my door and I know when I closed it up yesterday before coming downstairs, I turned off every light.

There’s a twisting inside me, I don’t care if she or Linnie have been in my room, but…

Each step of my approach feels like walking through a minefield. A buzzing in the air around me feels alive as I grip the ornate, cool brass knob and turn.

I draw several short, staccato breaths, but I still feel like I’m suffocating. There she is, tangled in the sheets of my bed.


Her ripe ass is facing me as she lays on her side, one arm under my pillows and the other tucked in front of her, her hand resting against the side of her neck, and I grit my teeth to keep the rush of cum from spraying out the tip of my dick.

My room isn’t how I left it. Drawers are open on my bureau, while in the bathroom clothes pulled from my hamper are on the floor. Then, I look closer and see one of my white dress shirts covering the pillow on which she lays, her dark hair splayed out on the fabric as she breathes in my scent.

When I took over as Linnie’s guardian, the change in me began.

But seeing Alice in my bed? My urge to be a better man combusts inside of me. I’m not evil. Just focused. Life wasn’t about love or soccer games and picket fences.

What Alice has awoken inside of me has me questioning everything I believed. Success no longer feels like a prize I possess or want to chase. An emptiness has grown deep in my core, even as the thoughts of Alice as the queen of my empire take root.

She’s far too young for me. Her disdain for the opulence of this life was clear in her voice when she spoke yesterday. Still, my desire to possess her grows by the second. I want her sitting next to me, our matching crowns gleaming for the world to see, overseeing our own sort of kingdom, one I never dreamed of before yesterday.

Seeing her laying there, I know what I’m going to do even though everything about it is wrong. But, obsession is not the ally of reason.

In silence, I strip off my jacket, tie and shirt. I work off my shoes and socks, but I don’t release my erection from the two layers of fabric protecting Alice from its single-minded focus on claiming her. In the dim light of the room, I see her nipples under the thin sheet and my mouth waters at the thought of sucking them as she moans in need.

As that thought thrums in my head, she answers with a soft sigh, shifting under the thin linen, wiggling her ass and whispering something into my shirt.

Her eyes are closed and I imagine her dreaming of me as I glide into the bed behind her. Then I freeze, waiting for her to turn, to sense me there.

I fucking know I'm violating her privacy...and her boundaries. And a few laws.

She's probably going to scream the roof off when she finds me in bed with her, but my cock and my obsession tell me all else be damned. After all, right and wrong are subjective. At least when it comes to claiming what I know already is rightfully mine.

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