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Italian Boss, Ruthless Revenge

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Caitlyn watched as his free hand bunched into a fist, saw the little bit of colour that was left in him literally drain away. His Adam’s apple bobbed a couple of times before he managed to carry on. ‘How was Mum?’ He closed his eyes on the excited chatter, raked his hand through his hair and dragged in vital oxygen.

‘Of course I hope to see them. It just depends on when we go to Rome…I’m glad you’re calling him that—no, really. I’m fine with it now…’

Just for a second his voice broke, and so evident was his pain, so abject his misery, Caitlyn had to force herself not to go over—had to literally stop herself from walking over and taking the phone from his hand, telling Antonia he would call back later.

But Lazzaro recovered quickly, nodding blindly and forcing himself to go on, his cheery voice absolutely belying his hopeless stance. ‘Luca would be very proud.’

‘A boy?’ He didn’t look over, just clicked off the phone and stared out of the window into the darkening night. She rued answering the phone—rued that he had taken the call in front of her. She knew, just knew, that this was a side to Lazzaro that he had never wanted her to see.

‘They’ve called him Luca.’

Normally congratulations would be in order. Everything told her they weren’t here.

‘After my brother…my twin…’ He turned just enough to look at her, his eyes holding hers, accusing, almost, and suddenly Caitlyn was nervous. ‘Did you ever meet him?’

‘How would I have met Luca?’ Caitlyn croaked, with no idea why she was blushing guiltily when she hadn’t done anything wrong, why he was staring at her as if she had.

‘When you were doing work experience, of course.’ Lazzaro’s eyes narrowed. ‘When did you think I was referring to?’

Did he know Roxanne was her cousin? Caitlyn could feel the sweat beading on her forehead, and despite the massage that had practically rendered her unconscious, and despite a scalp soaked with lavender oil, every muscle in her body was taut with tension.

‘I don’t know…’ She attempted a shrug. ‘But, no, I never ran into him. Look, do you want me to book transport?’ She was attempting normal, attempting professional, trying to do what a good personal assistant would in these circumstances. ‘If we get the helicopter—’

‘Tomorrow.’ Luca shook his head. ‘There is too much to do here.’

He didn’t elaborate—because, Caitlyn realised, he couldn’t. The lies he’d told Antonia didn’t match with the truth—and now she knew for sure that today wasn’t about sampling the delicacies that would be on offer to his elite patrons. Today served one purpose and one purpose only.


And that was reinforced when Lazzaro snapped back into business mode, demanding that she pull out her planner and, despite her rather inappropriate attire, proceeded to go through his schedule.

‘We are supposed to be flying to Rome next week. Rearrange things—tomorrow would be better.’

‘But what about your sister?’ Caitlyn asked. ‘Don’t you want to arrange some time so that you can see—’

‘I do not need you to organise my private life—that I can take care of myself,’ Lazzaro interrupted. ‘Could you arrange a gift for the baby—and of course flowers…’

‘You want me to buy your nephew’s gift?’ Caitlyn tried to keep the slightly ironic note from her voice. This from a man who almost in the same breath had told her he could handle his own private life? ‘Do you have any idea what you’d like to get him?’

‘None,’ Lazzaro snapped. ‘That will be all.’

As he stood to go, she halted him. ‘Lazzaro, can I—?’

‘Make a suggestion?’ he sneered. ‘Are you going to suggest that perhaps I should shop for my own nephew? Or that I should delay going to Rome so that I can spend some time with my family? You know, I really do not need to hear your advice, Caitlyn.’

‘I wasn’t about to give it,’ Caitlyn said evenly. ‘I was just going to ask if I could have my phone.’

Every question that had flashed into her mind, every question she would never have considered voicing, Lazzaro had just answered—and seeing this proud, strong man look awkward, even for a moment, seeing embarrassment actually taint his features as he offered her her phone, Caitlyn wished she knew him well enough to ask them—wished somehow she could help him.

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