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Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3)

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Izzy rolled her eyes. Ridiculous. “My ovaries aren’t doing anything. I don’t even want kids. That is having absolutely no effect on me.”

Liar. Well, not about the not wanting kids part. She’d never really imagined herself having children with such poor models of parenting in her life. But Shell was right about one thing. Seeing Jig holding Beth was making her insides all kinds of soft and squishy.

Those insides just needed to harden back up because no way, no how, was she going to get all swoony over a man. No matter how he looked holding a child. She was not that woman. Izzy took a giant mouthful of her favorite bourbon. Case in point, she wasn’t willing to give up this any time soon, if ever.

Still, an image of a dark-haired little boy with Jig’s navy-blue eyes and her fiery personality flashed through her mind.

Shit. She was losing it. Big time.

“Mmhm,” Shell said then clucked her tongue. “If you think that is sexy, which you do no matter how much you deny it…” She tapped her fingers on the table top. “I wish we knew someone with a new baby. Put one of those in Jig’s arms, and you’ll be flat on your back, legs spread in no time.”

Izzy sucked in a breath, and liquid sailed down her windpipe. She coughed until her lungs almost flew out of her mouth. “Jesus, Shell, you trying to kill me?”

“Sorry.” Shell winced. “I was just trying to say no woman can resist a man with a baby.”

“I can’t resist him enough already. We do not need any help in that department,” Izzy said, this time taking a tiny, cautious sip.

One of Shell’s blond eyebrows rose. “Do tell.”

“Uh, no.”

“Oh, come on.” Her glossy lips popped out into a pitiful pout. “I work two jobs, I have a three-year-old, and mean-as-hell bikers babysit my house every night. When do you think the last time I had sex was? I need to live vicariously through all my well-laid friends.”

It was at that moment that Copper emerged from his office and headed straight for their table, looking just as intimidating as usual with narrowed eyes, compressed lips, and clenched fists. Hell, he didn’t even need all that to be intimidating. His six-foot-five-inch bulky frame and president’s patch took care of that all on its own.

“Don’t think your schedule and your kid are what’s killing your sex life,” Izzy mumbled as Copper neared.

Shell followed Izzy’s gaze and looked over her shoulder. When her focus landed on Copper, she tensed. “Shit,” she muttered.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me your refrigerator wasn’t working, Shell?” Copper ground out, hovering above them.

Izzy wasn’t one to be intimidated by a man, yet angry Copper had her feeling a tad uncomfortable.

Shell either didn’t notice or didn’t care because she waved away Copper’s concern. “Because it’s my refrigerator and my problem, Cop. Has nothing to do with you or the club.” As she spoke, she straightened her shoulders and looked him right in the eye. Sure, even standing, she was more than a foot shorter than him, but Izzy had to hand it to her, she did not let him mow her over.

“Woman,” he said on an exasperated sigh, “we could have had a new refrigerator out to you in less than a day. Why do you insist on being so damn stubborn?”

“Because it’s my life, Copper. I can handle it myself.”

“How are you supposed to take care of your child if you can’t even keep her food cold?”

Uh oh.

Shell’s face reddened, and she seemed to grow an inch or two. Her fingers curled into small fists that landed on her hips. “Are you trying to say I’m a bad mother?” she asked through teeth clenched so tight Izzy swore she could hear them grinding.

“What?” Copper ran a hand down his face and tugged at his beard. “That’s not what I’m saying. A fridge will be delivered tomorrow.”

Izzy could practically smell and see smoke coming out of Shell’s ears and nose. She couldn’t blame the woman. Accepting help from a man she was in love with who didn’t return the sentiment would be absolute hell. Copper didn’t seem to understand that. He probably thought he was helping, taking care of her in his own way, when all he was doing was crushing her more each day.

And that was why Izzy steered clear of love and relationships. Too fucking painful.

“Don’t waste your time or money. I won’t accept the delivery.” Shell was practically screeching now.

Out of the corner of her eye, Izzy saw Jig start to head their way with an out cold Beth draped over his chest.

“Then I’ll have it fucking installed while you’re at work,” Copper yelled, just as loud.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

Jig cleared his throat. “Hey, Shell,” he said in a low, very calm tone. “Want me to put the squirt somewhere for you?” He winked at Izzy, and she relaxed. Perfect timing as she hadn’t had a clue how to de-escalate the verbal smackdown ramping up in front of her.

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