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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4)

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Play on his weaknesses.

“You call that thing between your legs a cock? Always thought of it more as a cocktail weenie. Now, your brother,” she said, letting her lips curl into a satisfied smile. One she usually reserved for Copper. “Now there’s a man with a cock. Knows how to use it, too. Maybe he can give you some pointers.” Her cheeks flamed. Under normal circumstances, the guys would never let her hear the end of a comment like that.

Nothing about this was normal.

“Thanks, baby.” Copper chuckled weakly. It quickly turned into another round of hacking coughs.

“You know you’ll never be what he is, right, Rusty? Not in bed or in life,” Shell said. “You’ll always be second best.”

On her left, Rocket remained silent. His intense focus and control were almost creepy. But the silence served its purpose. As they goaded Rusty, Shell almost forgot he was there, waiting, watching.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch,” Rusty said. He dug the knife a little deeper.

Shell swore her heart stopped. Was this a huge mistake? Was she provoking Rusty into killing Copper?

“He ain’t even second best,” Zach piped in.

Shell shuddered out a breath. He was on board with her plan.

She prayed they weren’t making the ultimate mistake. “You’re right, Z. Every man in the club looks up to Copper. Respects him. Hell, you guys would follow him straight into hell and back again. Wouldn’t you?”

Zach grunted.

“Bet you wouldn’t follow Rusty into the kitchen.”

Beside her, Rocket shifted so subtly, she almost missed it. Something was going to happen. Rocket could sense it.

“I said shut the fuck up, bitch!” Rusty screamed. Eyes shooting sparks, he rose higher on his knees, jerking Copper’s abused body.

Copper grunted.

A loud pop sounded to her left.

Her left ear rang.

Blood sprayed.

Shell was shoved to the right.

Rusty screamed.

The knife fell.

Rocket and Zach charged forward. Zach dragged Rusty from behind Copper as though the man was Beth’s size instead of a six-foot man.

It all happened so fast, Shell could do nothing but stand there, trembling as the blood pounded in her head.

“Shell…Shell, baby, look at me.” Copper’s faint voice had her jerking her gaze from the man lying on the floor to her man lying on the bed.

“Copper,” she said on a gasp. Her legs kicked into gear and she rushed to his side. Shit, he looked awful, full of bruises and blood. “I don’t want to touch you.”

“All right, brother, this is gonna fucking hurt,” Rocket said as he worked his black canvas belt from his pants.

Shell glared at him. “What are you doing to him?”

“Saving his fucking life.”

Copper took her hand in a weak grip. “It’s okay.”

She stared, slack-jawed as Rocket worked the fabric under Copper’s thick thigh. Right at the top, pretty much in his groin. “Ready, Prez?”

Copper gave a small nod. “Just fuckin’ do it,” he replied. “Give me those eyes, gorgeous.”

Shell looked away from the mess of Copper’s leg and into his pain-filled eyes. She held his gaze as he clenched his teeth and growled a wounded-animal sound. His grip tightened beyond the point of discomfort, but it had to be nothing compared to what he was enduring.

“Done. Let’s get you the fuck outta here,” Rocket said.

“Thanks, brother.”

Shell risked a glance at Copper’s leg. Rocket had secured the belt so tightly around Copper’s upper thigh, the blood slowed to an ooze.

Her breath came a little easier.

She moved off to the side as a few more of the club members entered the room. It took five of them, but they managed to lift Copper and carry him out. A sharp hiss was the only indication he was in pain, but the jostling had to be agony.

It was then Shell realized Rusty was no longer in the room. She looked at Screw who’d come from outside. His white T-shirt was speckled with dots of blood. Rusty’s?

“What will happen to him?”

Screw stared at her, as though trying to decide how much to tell her. Then he sighed, running a hand through his hair. When he’d first prospected, he’d been a constant jokester, a real screwball. With the passage of time and increased responsibility, he was turning into a different man. One packed with new muscles and a new respect for his obligations. “We’ll hold him in the box until Prez is released from the hospital.” He shrugged. “Up to the boss man after that.”

Jigsaw stuck his head in the room. “Hey, Shell, we’re getting ready to cart the big guy’s ass to the hospital. He’s refusing to go unless you’re with him.”

Oh, yes, she wanted, needed to be with him. “Thanks, Jig. What are we going to tell them at the hospital?”

“We’ll take care of it. You’re going to just play dumb. You know nothing. We picked you up on the way to the hospital because Copper asked for you. All you know is he was injured. Play up the club not telling you shit, huh?”

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