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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4)

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“He threatened Beth?” Copper asked. He tried to keep his voice neutral, but couldn’t quite keep the lethal out of it.

“Copper,” Shell said, raising an eyebrow. “You promised.”

Blood simmered in his veins, just bubbling away ready to roll into a full boil. Joe had no idea the hell he’d invited into his life by going after Shell. And then to be threatening Beth? He’d be damn lucky if he lived another week. “I know, babe. This is directly related to the club.” He looked at her defeated expression, something she never wore in front of him. Unable to stop himself from providing some comfort, he curled his hand around the back of her neck and gave a gentle squeeze. It was a fucking mistake, just that small touch, the feel of her soft skin against his much rougher palm had him swallowing down a mouthful of need.

“Why haven’t you brought this to me, Shell?”

“Things have been rough with the club ever since I came back, Copper. First with Shark, and then Lefty.” She shook her head. “I know my mom hates the MC and pretty much cut ties after Dad’s death, but I’ve always thought of the Handlers as my family. Joe said my dad was upping the drug dealing side of business outside of the club’s knowledge. Let’s face it, the club was different back then. My dad was leading the club in the wrong direction. You know it, I know it. And you guys don’t deserve to pay for his poor decisions.”

If Shell was a man, he’d have patched her into the club right then and there. Loyal to a fault, she loved her family with every ounce of her being. But she wasn’t a guy, so she couldn’t patch in, and call him a caveman, but he would never believe a woman should have to pick up any slack for the club business. He’d tried to take care of and protect Shell from the moment her father was killed, despite her protests and insistence on independence. Clearly, he’d failed miserably.

“It ends tonight, Shell. Joe doesn’t get another fucking penny from you. You hear me?”

Owl-eyed, she started to speak.

“Not finished.” he held up his free hand. “The club will take care of it. No, I won’t give you details, you’ve been around long enough to know how this shit works. If you see him anywhere, if anyone approaches you, if any damn thing happens that doesn’t seem right, you call me, immediately. Understand? I’ll take one answer, and that’s a yes.”

Shell just nodded. “Okay, Copper,” she said in a small voice. “Thank you.”

Huh? That was way too easy. Shell didn’t accept help. No matter how much he growled at her. “That’s it? Just thank you? You’re not going to argue with me?”

A sad smile formed on her face. “I’m too tired tonight. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be pissed at you for managing me, but I just don’t have the energy for it tonight. And, if you want the truth, giving him money each month is killing me.” A blush appeared on her cheeks. “I’ll be able to breathe a little easier now.”

Copper closed his eyes and counted to ten. He had to assume some of her easy acquiescence was due to the fact he didn’t fly off the handle over the news, but kept his cool and spoke to her rationally. So, as much as he wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled, he refrained.

“Okay. Then it’s done, and as long as you don’t see Joe, we don’t have to speak about it again.” He pushed a stray curl behind her ear. “How’s Beth?”

Shell groaned. “Last night was rough. We were both up pretty much the entire night. And today she was a bear, but she fell asleep before dinner, and seems to be out for the night.”

The woman should be in bed herself, not dealing with a scum sucking bottom feeder like Joe. Shell needed a man in her life. Someone to care for and protect her, from herself if necessary.

He tried to imagine a man here, filling that role in Shell’s life, and he nearly ripped one of her pillows in half.

Copper rubbed his eyes as a wave of fatigue washed over him. Nothing could be done about Joe tonight, and she needed to get some sleep. “Why don’t you go get ready for bed, babe. I’ll lock up for you. I’m pretty fuckin’ bushed myself.”

“All right.” They both stood. Shell placed a soft hand on his arm. “Thank you,” she said, then wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.

The feel of her, soft and warm against him, her thin but strong arms clinging to him had his cock waking up again. He gripped her messy bun, tipping her head back. “I’d do fucking anything for you and that princess back there, you know that, right?”

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