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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4)

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“Jesus Christ,” Copper said, his tone incredulous. “Years?” Now he sounded angry. “Who the fuck are you?” He stared at her as though it was his first time laying eyes on her.

Her heart dissolved into a trillion pieces so tiny, it’d be impossible to ever repair. “N-no. It wasn’t—It’s not—No.” Fat tears flowed in rivers down Shell’s cheeks. Her brain couldn’t process what was happening. She could barely breathe, barely stand. Reaching out, she grabbed the edge of the table to keep from crumbling to the ground. A sob caught in her throat then burst forward like a dam breaking. Years of fear, shame, agony, and guilt poured out of her eyes and her mouth as she wept.

“Just tell me it’s not true, Shell. Tell me Rusty is not Beth’s father. That’s the only thing I want to hear out of your lying mouth right now.” Never had he looked at her with such flat eyes or spoken to her with such a cold, loathing tone. If hatred had a sound, Copper’s voice at that moment would be it.

She continued to stand there, trembling and shaking her head.

“Copper…” Izzy started.

“Tell me it’s not fucking true,” he screamed, as he turned and punched the wall. His fist went straight through, leaving a huge hole. When he pulled out, blood trickled from his knuckles. How crazy was it that in the midst of all the chaos, Shell’s first instinct was to run to him and help stem the bleeding?

Like he’d ever accept her touch again.

Through it all, Rusty’s smirk gleamed like a neon fuck you sign. He was destroying her life once again, and reveling in every second of it.

“I c-can’t,” Shell said so low the words were barely audible.

“What? Can’t hear you. Is it fucking true?”

“It’s true,” she said, head hanging. The damn thing weighed about a hundred pounds. “But—”

“Say it louder,” Copper yelled. “Fucking say it, Shell. I want to hear the words out of your mouth. Not that I can trust anything you say anymore.”

Her breath hitched. She stared at the man she loved, a man she barely recognized right now and her insides twisted. She’d done this to him. Broken him. Made him hate her with her choices.

“Fucking say it!” he screamed.

“Rusty is Beth’s father,” she whispered. All she could see was that fucking smirk gracing Rusty’s mug. The moment the words were out of her mouth, she spun and lost her breakfast in Copper’s trash can.

“Get out.” Ice had returned to Copper’s tone.

“Copper, back the fuck off,” Izzy said, rubbing a hand over Shell’s back. “She’s—"

“I said get the fuck out of here!” Copper roared.

On her knees, her stomach still spasming, Shell jolted as though his words had been the harsh crack of a whip, spurning her into motion. Rising on unsteady legs, she started for the door only to be met with Izzy’s hand against her chest.

“And I said that’s fucking enough,” Izzy screamed. “Get the fuck out of here, Rusty.” With her free hand, she shoved Rusty out of the office then yelled, “Jig, get your tight ass in here. I need help.”

Shell had no idea what Copper was doing. She couldn’t see him through the torrent of tears and hysteria, but he appeared to be standing stock still in the corner of the office.

“You,” Izzy barked pointing to him. “You stay the fuck there. Don’t you dare say another damn word to her.”

Jig appeared literally three seconds later. “Babe, you okay? The baby okay? Holy fuck, what’s going on?”

“I’m good. I need you to take Shell to our place then call Toni and have her pick Beth up from pre-school. Ask if she can keep her for a few hours.”

“Babe—” Jig began.

“Nuh-uh,” Izzy said to her ol’ man. “Don’t look at him. I don’t care if this is his clubhouse and he’s president or king-shit or whatever. He’s a fucking dipshit right now. I’m your ol’ lady, and I’m the one asking you to help Shell out of here.”

“All right, babe,” Jig said tossing another wary look Copper’s way. He kissed his woman then came over to Shell. “Come on, sweetie, let’s get you home.”

Shell tried to follow, but her knees buckled, and she almost hit the ground. Her limbs didn’t want to work. Her body was trying to curl in on itself and ride out the pain. Jig scooped her up and held her against his chest. “Good luck, Cop,” he called as he carried her out of the office. “Izzy’s fucking pissed. Next time I see you, you’ll be shitting through two assholes.”


Rusty is Beth’s father.

Rusty is Beth’s father.

The words played through Copper’s head like a broken record. He’d been through some serious shit in his life. Dead parents, moving from Ireland with his kid brother, raising his brother, death of MC brothers, killing, yet nothing came close to the hurt and betrayal of knowing the woman he loved had fucked his brother and bore his brother’s child.

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