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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

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“Is this him?” Scotty snarled, thrusting the gun in Logan’s direction. “For Christ’s sake, tell me this is not him, Chloe.”

Logan lifted his hands. Chloe sensed rather than saw a change in him. He wasn’t scared, wasn’t surrendering by any means. Scott may be a Green Beret, but Logan had dangerous skills she did not want to see in action. At least not in this case.

Chloe tried to take a step to the right only to be locked in place by Scott’s free hand. “L-Logan,” she called out from behind her brother’s broad back, words quivering. “T-this is m-my brother, Scott.” Please don’t hurt him was the unspoken request.

“Babe,” Logan, said, eerily calm for having the business end of a powerful weapon inches from his face. “You need to tell him to stand down.” Or I will hurt him. His unspoken message was as clear as hers.

“Don’t you fucking give her orders,” Scott said, still in attack mode. “Babe?” he asked in a way that sounded like Logan had insulted her instead of using an endearment. “Jesus Christ, you tell me this motherfucker is him and I swear to God I’ll gun him down on your porch.”

“Scott,” she said, gently placing her hands on her brother’s back. He didn’t so much as twitch. Tension coiled his muscles so tight they felt as though they could snap beneath her palms. “Please put the g-gun down. You’re s-scaring me. L-let’s go inside and t-talk. One of my neighbors is going to see you and call the police.”

“Maybe they need to be called. Tell me who this fucking biker is, Clo and do it now.”

“His name is Logan. And he’s—”

“Is. It. Him.”

Again, she tried to step around the wall of her brother, but Scott had a fistful of her sweatshirt.

“Do not move, Chloe.” Logan said.

“Shut the fuck up,” Scott sneered.

This situation was going downhill fast. “Okay, okay, I’m not moving.” Chloe said to Scott’s back. “Is he who, Scott?”

“Is he the motherfucking boyfriend who raped you and beat you bloody?” he snarled like a panther seconds from pouncing.

Well, fuck.

“The hell is he talking about?” Logan asked.

“I told you to shut the fuck up.” Scott stepped forward, dragging her with him. God, he was so close to Logan now, the gun had to be pressed right between his eyes. Chloe knew deep in her gut Logan could get away if he wanted. And he was only holding back for her sake.

“You’ve got thirty seconds to get that water gun out of my face,” Logan said in a deceptively tranquil voice. Shit. He wasn’t going to hold back for long.

Damnit, Logan.

Scott seethed. He’d do it. He’d shoot Logan right there if he really believed he was protecting his baby sister.

Diffusing this ticking bomb fell to her, which meant giving up information that Logan’s club didn’t want circulated. But what alternative did she have? Logan’s dead body on her stoop? Scott in jail for the rest of his life?

She shuddered.

“Scott,” she said as though talking to a frightened animal. “I lied to you about what happened to me. I wasn’t assaulted by a boyfriend.”

“Ahh, fuck,” Logan said as clarity must have set in. She’d never informed him of the tale she’d woven for her family and the authorities. They didn’t speak of that night.

“Don’t defend this biker piece of shit, sis,” Scott said, but he’d lost some of his vehemence.

“I’m not defending anyone, trust me. You know me, Scott. I’d never go anywhere near him if he’d done that to me. I swear on Grandma’s grave I’m telling you the truth.”

His shoulder relaxed a hint. Had he lowered the weapon? She couldn’t see a damn thing. Why did he have to be so freakin’ big?

“Can we please go inside now? I promise Logan is no threat to me. And we will explain everything to you, but we need to get off the porch before someone sees you and calls the cops.” She poked her head around him and this time he let her. “Please?”

“Fine,” Scott said. The gun lowered and Chloe blew out a long breath.

Logan kept his hands at shoulder level.

“But I’m keeping this out until I’m convinced,” he said, showing her the gun.

With a painful swallow, Chloe met Logan’s gaze. His blue eyes had darkened to the shade of the sky seconds before a hurricane. A barely perceptible dip of his chin was all she got. It was enough for her. He had her full trust to run this show and keep all three of them safe. “That’s fine.”

The hand at her waist finally released her clothing. Chloe immediately stepped toward Logan. “I don’t think so,” Scott ground out, catching her by the back of her sweatshirt. “You’re staying away from him until I’m satisfied with this situation.”

Jerking out of his hold, Chloe scowled at her unreasonable brother. Enough was enough. “Will you stop grabbing my clothes?” With a frustrated sigh, she smoothed her shirt then shoved her brother toward the open door. “Get inside.”

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