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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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LJ chuckled as his gaze sought out the woman who’d been an honorary member of the ol’ ladies club for the past year or so. Ever since she began working for Zach’s woman, Toni, Jazz had been a constant presence around the club. Far as LJ knew, she had no interest in becoming an ol’ lady, no need to be a Honey, and hadn’t fucked a single one of his brothers. Rare for a woman so frequently around the club members. She was a bit of a mystery, one his brother, Screw, seemed to have taken particular interest in.

After a few seconds, his gaze found her where she was weaving her way through the bodies to get to her girls. She turned, holding out her slender hand for a woman behind her, and the pair wormed through the rowdy bikers as one unit.

This was the first time since LJ met Jazz that she’d brought a friend to a party. As far as he knew, she had no contact with the people in Arizona, where she’d last been living, and didn’t socialize much outside the club.

Curious as to who Jazz’s friend was, LJ shifted his attention from the puzzling woman to the one trailing behind her.

The moment his gaze landed on that sleek waterfall of honey-blonde hair, his throat closed, and his brain shut the fuck down.

Holly was in his goddammed clubhouse. Jeans so tight they’d be a struggle to remove cupped her ass. Those plump globes twitched with each step. No surprise, his dick perked to life, throbbing to the beat of her fucking walk.

After turning him down flat because he was a biker and she was too fucking special to touch a biker—at least according to her daddy—she had the audacity to show up here, cleavage on display and in those goddamned boner-inducing jeans.


He kept his gaze on her as she and Jazz made their way to the cluster of ol’ ladies. Jesus, how the hell did she even know Jazz? She was stiff as a board, walking woodenly with her eyes darting in every direction.

Looking for him? Or scanning every corner for an impending attack?

“She can join us. I don’t mind.” Carli’s voice reminded him of her presence, or more the fact that she didn’t leave after he’d dismissed her.

“Not interested, Carli. Already said that. Move on.”

“That giant bulge you’re sportin’ says different.” Some might find the near-whine in her voice sexy, but to him, it was nails on a chalkboard.

He grunted. “That ain’t for you.”

Jazz and Holly reached the ol’ ladies, and Jazz must have been introducing Holly around by the way she waved and nodded at each woman.

Still impersonating a boa constrictor, Carli pouted but didn’t say anything else. He’d give her no more than two minutes before he removed her from his presence himself.

Jazz and Holly chatted with the ol’ ladies for a moment before Jazz whispered in Holly’s ear and pointed toward the bar. Holly’s eyes grew wide, and he had a perfect view of those tempting lips mouthing the words “hell yes,” before the two started for the bar.

Still scanning as she moved, Holly’s gaze eventually landed on him. He wasn’t hard to find since he stood at least a few inches above everyone except Copper. Her steps faltered, and she reached for Jazz to steady herself while her eyes grew saucer wide. Until they shifted to Carli, that is, then they narrowed, and her plum painted lips turned down.

LJ didn’t bother going to her. He’d made an offer and was rejected. No point in beating that dead horse. “Get lost, Carli,” he said, patience gone. This time he jerked his arm free and she finally got the message. The lost puppy dog look she cast his way as she walked backward from him was plain pitiful and not at all an action to make him change his mind.

Twenty minutes and another two shots later, LJ was done with this bullshit. He’d watched Holly and Jazz down a few drinks in the short time as man after man approached Holly and stared at her exposed cleavage. He hadn’t been able to tear his gaze from it himself, but wasn’t there some sort of finders keepers rule? He’d seen her first and was getting damn tired of watching his brothers drool over what somehow felt like his.

So, enough was enough. She was either going to cover those tits or leave. Simple drunken logic.

The trek to the opposite end of the bar took a solid five minutes since no less than three people interrupted him along the way. As he drew up behind Jazz, Holly’s shiny mouth dropped open and she sputtered.

“What’s wrong?” Jazz asked as she turned then looked up to him. “Oh, hey, LJ! I haven’t seen you since your patch-in party. Congrats by the way. This is Hol—”

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