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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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“Um, okay,” she said, as she started to draw her arm back.

“Shit, sorry!” he grabbed her hand and didn’t let go. “Zoned out for a second. My brain’s a little slow today due to some poor choices last night. I’m LJ. You moving in?” The smoothness of her skin didn’t escape him for one second. Especially the way her silky fingers curled around his larger and much rougher palm. Despite the soft feel, her grip was solid.

She smiled, and it lit her up, all glowy and shit. God, she was so fucking adorable, with her honey-blonde hair pulled back in a loose, low ponytail. Perfect complement to those round, ocean blue eyes he could drown in. And, apparently, she’d turned him into a poetic pussy.

“I am! Apartment 2A.”

Well, well, well. This could get interesting. Hopefully, he could keep his dick under control and not scare her away by being rock hard every time they came in contact. “You’re right next to me. Welcome to the complex. That place has been sitting empty for about six months. Ever since the murder-suicide that took place in there. Crazy couple. Used to fight all the time. He finally offed her, and himself a few minutes later.”

Her smile flipped upside down in an instant as the color drained from her face. “Murder?” she croaked, eyes bugging. “Suicide?”

Aw, fuck. He was an ass. Sometimes, he forgot not everyone had the crass sense of humor he’d gotten used to tossing out around his MC brothers. “Uh, no, sorry. I was just teasing you. Sounded much funnier in my head.” He shrugged.

Holly’s mouth opened and closed a few times.

Well, there went any opportunity of sucking on her nipples or seeing exactly what that body looked like without the tattered T-shirt and yoga pants.

For a woman to be rocking a sloppy ponytail, no makeup, and scruffy clothes and still make his dick hard as a pipe…that said something.

Him and his stupid fucking mouth.

Holly’s head dropped back, and she let out a melodic laugh that did absolutely nothing to squelch his hard-on. “So that’s how you’re gonna be, huh?”

Or maybe not so stupid…

His grin had to be huge as fuck with the way it was stretching his cheeks. Damn, she was gonna be a fun neighbor. Especially if she ever let him between those thick thighs. “You doing this by yourself?” he asked, pointing to the box between them.

Holly rolled her baby blues. “No. Not exactly. My dad and brother are coming out in the morning to help me unload the U-Haul. I wasn’t supposed to get in until tomorrow, but I wanted a few hours to get acclimated to the place before my overbearing family descends.” She shrugged and looked away. “You know how it is.”

Uh, no, he did not. His family wouldn’t spit on him if he were on fire. “I’ll take your word for it.”

That had her head snapping back in his direction as she gave him an openly curious look.

He bent down and hoisted the box up to his shoulder. “Lead the way, pretty girl.”

Her eyes widened. “Damn, you make that look easy. Where’d you get all those muscles? I could use a few.”

The laugh he belted out had her giggling alongside him. “I’ll give you the website.”

“Seriously,” she said with a shake of her head. “You do not have to do this. Carrying big boxes sucks. Save yourself and finish your run. Although running sucks just as bad.” Her face scrunched as though running truly offended her.

Jesus, if she didn’t stop saying the word suck, she just might find herself on her knees preparing to do just that. “Eh, no biggie,” he said, exaggerating the flex of his admittedly sizable biceps. “Gotta let these puppies out to play every now and again, or they’ll get bored and run away.” He gestured for her to head down the hallway first.

She snorted as she led him to her apartment door. Ahh, there was the ass view. Just as he’d imagined. Plump, round, and so fucking squeezable his palms itched.

Oblivious to his stare and his boner, or at least polite enough to pretend she was oblivious, she held the door open for him. As soon as he stepped through, something warm nudged straight into his crotch. “What the fuck?”

He set the box down and found the biggest dog he’d ever encountered getting up close and personal with his junk. “Shit,” he said with a laugh as he reached down to scratch the jet-black beast behind his ears. “Had you warned me you had such a huge boyfriend, I’d have toned down the flirting.”

Holly, who’d made it to the kitchen by this point spun on her heel and darted back toward them. “I’m so sorry! Biscuit, get over here. Leave LJ alone. I’m so sorry,” she said again. “I thought he was asleep in my room, or I would have warned you about him. He’s a total whore.” She tried in vain to wrestle the humungous hound away from LJ’s family jewels.

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