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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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Starving for another taste of her, LJ went straight for broke, sucking a puckered nipple into his mouth. Holly moaned as she jolted in his arms. “Jesus, that feels incredible. Please don’t stop.”

Mouth full, he grunted. She was certifiable if she thought he planned to stop sucking her anytime soon. But he did need to give the other side some well-deserved attention. He released her, chuckling at her small whine as he stared at the shiny, wet nipple. When he blew on it, Holly shivered and yelped.

Fuck, she was perfect. So voluptuous. So responsive.

“Please, LJ,” she said, one hand nudging his shoulder as though to guide him to her other tit.

So greedy.

“I’m on it, sugar,” he said before scraping his teeth over her nipple one last time. Then he kissed down the side of her breast and across her chest where his mouth landed on a warm piece of metal.

The moment his lips touched the charm he’d inquired about the night before, Holly froze, but she didn’t stay immobile for long.

“Stop!” she yelled as she shoved his shoulders, flailing like he was trying to mug her instead of make her come. “Put me down!” A note of hysteria rang clear in her voice. “Now, LJ. Put me down now!”

“Christ, Holly, what the fuck?” He had a feeling if he didn’t let her go, she’d be clawing his eyes out in a matter of seconds. Shit, if he’d pushed her too far, scared her, or God forbid, hurt her, he’d fucking lose it.

He released her immediately but didn’t just dump her on the ground. Instead, he set her down, grimacing as her thrashing thigh made contact with his erection. Once he was convinced she wouldn’t land on her ass, he let go.

Holly sprung back as though she’d been electrocuted by his touch. Breathing as though she’d just run a marathon with her hand clasped around her necklace, Holly stared at him, horror in her gaze.

“Shit,” she said as she lifted a hand to brush her wild hair out of her face. “I’m sorry. Oh, God, I’m so sorry. I’ve never…I just totally freaked on you. Oh, my God, what did I do?” she whispered more to herself than to him. “I screwed this up, didn’t I?”

No, she hadn’t, and that right there was LJ’s biggest indication that he liked this girl way more than a quick fuck in the woods. Had she been any other woman he’d have nodded, tossed her the shirt she’d shed, given her a ride home, and peaced the fuck out. Then he’d have lost her number. Instead, after a heavy sigh, he said, “No, but I’m pretty sure we should be talking instead of fucking tonight.”


Holly stared at LJ’s broad retreating back as he turned and made his way toward the motorcycle. She was an idiot. Hands down the stupidest woman in Tennessee, the US if she was honest. Who the hell went berserk during a hot and heavy make-out session like that? All because he’d touched the necklace she only taken off twice in twelve years, and then it was only for a few seconds to replace a corroded chain.

What the hell must he think of her now? Her brother, Danny, had once called a woman he’d broken up with crazy pussy. At the time, she’d told him he was a pig for the crude description, but now she wondered if it didn’t make perfect sense. Was she crazy pussy in LJ’s eyes? A girl he’d messed around with who turned out to be psycho? She wouldn’t be surprised if he hopped on his bike and peeled out, leaving her half-naked in the woods.

Shit! I’m half-naked.

Holly scanned the ground for her T-shirt. Didn’t take her more than a few seconds to find it, but the damn black bra was much harder to locate.

Screw it. She’d survive without it. She lifted the shirt to wiggle back into it as she peeked at LJ from the corner of her eye. The moment she caught sight of him spreading a soft-looking red blanket in front of the bike, she froze. Instead of shrugging into the shirt, she clasped it to her chest.

“W-what are you doing?” she asked as he made his way back to her. The sun had all but disappeared since they arrived, shrouding them in an intimate cloud of darkness. Well illuminated by the headlight of his bike, the blanket he’d set up looked nothing short of romantic. The bottle of wine he’d borrowed from Zach and Toni lay alongside the plastic cups on the blanket in the quiet woods with the breathtaking view.

“I went about this the wrong way,” he said, extending a hand to her.

For a second, Holly stared at the outstretched palm as she battled an internal war.

Take it, her irrational and starry-eyed side said. Her body, too. Really, her body practically begged her to go with him.

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