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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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Something was wrong. Something beyond a simple mix-up over the ownership of a pistol. Higgins, a little fucking Schwartz wannabe waited with his ass propped on the trunk of his cruiser, legs crossed at the ankle as though he was waiting for coffee at Starbucks, not anticipating an encounter with an outlaw.

Higgins wasn’t the shittiest cop on the force, but he ranked up there. An arrogant misogynist who fancied himself more important than his actual station in life, he’d been a complete asshole to Shell when she was involved in a minor fender-bender about a year ago. Hopefully Copper would let LJ handle this. If he got off his bike, the prez might lose his shit on Higgins.

Holly finally looked up and straight at him. The change in her would have been obvious to a blind man. Her face softened, her shoulders relaxed, and the tension seemed to pour out of her in waves. What the fuck had happened?

Nothing good.

LJ pushed the door open and started out of the truck only to be held back by Rocket’s hand on his arm.

“Hold the fuck on,” Rocket said.

“What?” That came out way harsher than intended. Luckily Rocket wasn’t the type to take offense easily.

“You’re too fucking hot right now. You can’t go charging out there snarling like a fucking grizzly bear. You’re trying to help your woman, not get your ass locked up. Tossing your giant ass in jail would be the highlight of that fucker’s shitty life. Simmer down. Hear me?”

LJ braced his palms on the dash as he blew out a breath. His gaze remained locked on Holly. “I hear you. Thanks for looking out for me.”

Rocket chuckled. “Always brother.”

“I find out he hurt her, though…”

“I’ll hold the fucker down for you,” Rocket said.

LJ nodded. “Good deal.” With a renewed sense of calm, or at least somewhat calmer, LJ opened the door.

Party time.

As LJ stepped out of the truck, Higgins’ hand fell to his weapon. Out the corner of his eye, LJ saw Holly tense. He hated to pull his attention off her but ignoring the man with the gun might not be a smart idea. Thankfully, Copper and Zach remained on their bikes, though LJ had no doubt they’d jump the fuck in if shit went downhill.

“That’s far enough,” Higgins said as LJ approached. He held up the truck registration Holly had handed over. “Your real name Jack Olsen?”

“That’s me. There a reason you’re harassing my woman?” About ten feet separated them.

“Keep your hands where I can see them,” Higgins barked as though LJ was about to reach for a hidden firearm. His voice dripped with hatred and disgust.

Feeling’s mutual, buddy.

“I was just reaching for my wallet so I can show you my weapon registration and we can all be on our way.”

Higgins wrinkled his nose, making that bushy pornstashe move. “Go ahead.”

Keeping one hand in the air, LJ reached around for the wallet he kept in his back pocket with the other. “Can you tell me why you pulled her over?”

“Speeding,” Higgins said with a smirk in her direction.

Holly had yet to say a word. She stood off to the side, hugging herself. She appeared small, fragile. And that was fucking unacceptable.

“Speeding?” LJ said as though shocked. “You got a lead foot I’m not aware of, sugar? ’Cuz the last few times I drove with you, it was granny-speed all the way.”

Holly narrowed her eyes at him. Finally, a reaction beyond the blank stare.

She held up her ticket. “Five miles over, according to Deputy Higgins.”

LJ snorted. “This some kinda fucking joke?”

“Nope,” Higgins replied with a grin LJ wanted to ram his fist into. “It’s dangerous to drive too fast, Jack. Gotta keep the citizens of Townsend safe from reckless drivers.”

Christ, this guy was a smug asshole.

“You put your hands on my woman, Higgins?”

Tension grew to near combustible.

“Gun fell out of the glove box when she opened it, Jack Olsen. She was driving the truck of a known criminal affiliate.” He shrugged like he didn’t give two shits. “How was I supposed to know she was your woman? Just assumed she was a who—”

“Shut your fucking mouth.”

“LJ?” Holly’s shaky voice jerked his attention away from the cop whose death was imminent. She had tears in her eyes. Christ, the sight gutted him.

“Yeah, sugar.”

“Can we just go, now? Please.”

LJ stalked forward, ignoring the way Higgins’ fingers tightened on the handle of his pistol. He held the registration card out for the cop to see. “We fucking done here?”

Higgins tilted his head and rubbed his chin as though studying the card, but his attention strayed over LJ’s shoulder to Holly. No way did the motherfucker give one shit about the gun, who owned it, and whether or not it was legal. All he wanted was to harass the fucking club.

“Guess we’re done. I’ll tell you like I told your woman. She needs to watch herself over the next few weeks. We’re gonna be dialin’ up the pressure on your club. Being the sheriff’s daughter won’t be a get out of jail free card.”

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