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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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Holly shimmied the rest of the way up his body until she ended up in the perfect position to kiss him. Which she did. Gentle and soothing. So in contrast to the wild way they came together moments ago. “Anytime, anywhere, LJ. You need me to be your rock, or to hold on to you, I’ll drop everything and come running as fast as I possibly can. Day or night.”

Day or night. She said it with a hint of knowledge. As though she’d begun to put two and two together and no longer questioned the fact he refused to spend the night with her. And once again, she accepted it.

Accepted him.

As is.

Fuck. He tangled his fingers in the back of her hair. “Nothing I’ve done in my life has led me to deserve you.” Not an exaggeration. She was just so damn good. He didn’t know a man alive deserving of all that was Holly. But he planned to hold onto her with two hands until she inevitably wised up.

“I don’t believe that for one second,” she whispered against his lips before she kissed him.

Considering the strength of the orgasm he’d had ten minutes ago, his cock should have been out of commission for the next week, but the press of Holly’s lips against his was all it took to have him springing erect once again.

He held her against him by the back of her head, devouring her mouth until she moaned in need. Finally, she tugged against his hold. When she met his gaze, her eyes were dazed, lips shiny and swollen. “You hear me, LJ? I don’t believe that garbage for one single second. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll believe you’re a good man.”

Then she winked and squirmed her way down his body. A few seconds later, the blistering heat of her mouth surrounded his cock, and LJ gave himself over to her care.


“DOOR OPENS IN five. You excited?” Jazz asked as she joined Holly in the diner’s new To-Go section behind the counter.

“Does feeling like I’m about to vomit all over the food I spent hours creating mean I’m excited?” Holly asked as her stomach cramped. Jam-packed full of muffins, pastries, pies, and a few surprises Holly had worked on, the display case looked ready. More ready than Holly felt. After the roller-coaster ride Saturday turned out to be, she and LJ had laid low and hung out around their apartment Saturday evening and all day Sunday. After he’d realized he hadn’t used a condom, and had a minor freak out, they’d had the birth control-STD test conversation. Both were clean, and she was protected, so a big sigh of relief had been breathed all around. Once that business was out of the way, they’d ordered an extra-large pizza and garlic knots and made it last for a day and a half. The mellow end to the weekend was the perfect way to round out the stressful beginning.

And it only served to make her fall in deeper with LJ. A place she was loving.

Jazz threw back her head and laughed. “Give it a half-hour, girl, and you’ll have ’em lined up around the building.”

Her biggest fear hadn’t been customers disliking her food. Without bragging, she could honestly say all the items she’d prepared were delicious. She’d tested them on enough opinionated bikers and their women over the past week. No, lack of interest was her true concern. What if no more than a handful of customers strayed in during the five hours her counter would be open? Mortifying didn’t even come close to describing how she’d feel. It would be a dream-crushing scenario.

“If you say so,” she said, working to purge the negative thoughts.

“I do.” Jazz slung a slender arm around Holly’s shoulders. “Relax. The hard part is done. We came up with a great menu, marketed around town, and you baked your ass off. Now it’s time to have fun and enjoy success.”

Holly snorted. “I wish my ass would disappear with all this hard work.”

“Hey! That’s my woman’s ass you’re talking about. Happens to be one of my favorite parts of her body, so watch it.”

Holly’s jaw dropped. Before her stood LJ and a few of the guys he worked with at Rocket’s company. “How…I didn’t even hear the bell ring.”

“Snuck in the back,” LJ said as he leaned across the counter to give her a loud smooch. “Wanted to be your first customer.” With a glance at his utility watch, he said, “This place officially opens in five…four…three…two…one…now! All right, woman, I’m ready for you to serve me,” he said with a wink.

Holly chuckled. The bit of laughter came easier than speaking since he had her all choked up. The damn man was so good both to her and for her. If only he realized his worth. “Wh—” She cleared her throat, freeing the emotions lodged inside. “What can I get you, sir?”

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