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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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“I think I’m fucking stuck in this position for the rest of my life,” Izzy said as she rocked her pelvis back and forth, trying get her ass to pop. She had to admit, the movement felt great and loosened the sore muscles of her back.

“What the fuck are you crazy bitches doing?”

“Thunder!” Stephanie screeched as she stood straight up. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh, my God,” Jazz whispered under her breath. Her face had turned so red, Izzy couldn’t help but throw a little shade her way. She had organized this whole thing, after all.

“Hey, Thunder, can you watch Jazz twerk? Maybe give her a few pointers.”

The death glare Izzy received was well worth the laugh that almost made her pee herself.

“No, seriously,” Thunder said, glancing around the room at the no longer dancing ladies. “What the fuck are you doin’? I thought I was bringing you all here to braid each other’s hair and watch sappy movies and shit.”

“We’re trying to twerk Izzy’s baby out of her,” Holly said, then dissolved into a fit of giggles. Steph joined her, followed by Jazz, and soon the whole lot of tipsy girls were laughing their asses off instead of shaking them.

Only Shell remained standing with an amused but sober smile. Huh, now that she thought of it, had Shell taken the shots like the others did? Or had she slyly avoided them?

Interesting. Hopefully, she’d remember to ask her friend about it later.

“No, no, no, no, no,” said Thunder with a wave of his hand. “Just, no. You ladies need some serious help. Let a pro show you how it’s done.” He pulled his shirt off, then walked to the front of the room amidst Stephanie’s whistling and Holly’s shriek.

“Oh yeah, take it off,” Jazz yelled at the same time Toni muttered, “Damn, boy.”

Izzy arched an eyebrow at Jazz.

“What? I don’t have an ol’ man. I can ogle the prospect all I want.”

“What are you doing here, Thunder?” Shell asked, her voice laden with suspicion.

He lifted his hands, revealing an impressive flex and play of abdominal muscles. Damn, the boy was a looker for sure.

“Prez sent me to just check in. No biggie.”

A good idea, something Izzy would have thought of herself was her mind not clogged with worries about labor, delivery, and turf wars. She was tough, but come on, who wasn’t a little scared their first go-around? First and last, that was. As someone who’d never described themselves as maternal, Izzy was pretty sure they’d be a one kid family. That was if she didn’t screw this kid up so bad, they ran away from home before age one.

“All right, ladies, watch me.” Thunder held his hands up in front of himself, palms out. “Now turn them, so your fingertips face three and nine o’clock, got it?”

“Yeah, sexy, we got it.”

Izzy burst out laughing. Jazz was fun, but not usually mouthy or sexually aggressive. This was a side of her none of them had seen. And it was hilarious.

“How many drinks did you have?” Izzy whispered.

“Uhh, perhaps four shots of tequila. Oops.” She bit her lower lip in the phoniest sheepish face Izzy had ever seen.

“Now, keep your hands like that and place them on your thighs, somewhere above your knees. You with me?”

“With you,” Holly yelled out.

“Arch your back?” Thunder demonstrated, getting a deep curve in his back before he stood and checked everyone’s posture. “Come on, Steph. You can do better than that. Stick that ass out.”

“Jesus,” Steph grumbled, but she did as Thunder asked, sticking her butt out more.

“Good.” Thunder resumed the position. “Now, curl your spine up, then arch it again, fast, throwing your booty out as you do it. Like this.” He demonstrated a few times.

Izzy had to admit, the guy had moves.

“Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to do this.” Thunder sped it up, bouncing his ass over and over again as all the girls started to whoop and cheer.

Before she knew it, Toni had pulled her phone out, cranked up a playlist, and started a full-on dance party. Izzy shook it as best she could, laughing and generally having a blast with her girlfriends. Thunder was in his element, showing off moves that might earn him a beat down later if the men caught wind of how he’d been dancing with their ol’ ladies.

This had been an awesome evening. Hopefully, Jig also had a good time chilling out with his brothers at the clubhouse. They both needed a night off from the stress of becoming new parents and Jig’s worries in general. Though, now that she thought of him, she couldn’t wait to crawl into bed with him.


After wiping a few escaped strands of sweaty hair off her face, Izzy snuck off to Shell’s kitchen. “Water,” she said when she saw one of her best friends standing at the counter. “Must have water.” She moved toward the fridge.

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