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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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“What if the cut burns up, and they can’t tell it was the Scoundrels?” Viper asked.

They’d been over it a hundred time since Sarge devised the plan last night, but he seemed to understand Viper needed to hear it one more time. “If you put the body where we discussed, it should be far enough to get charred but not fully cooked. The club will tell the cops the place was empty, which will hopefully keep the search to a minimum. If all goes well, they’ll just assume we’re dead.”

The plan was risky. Fox wouldn’t just let his son’s death go unretaliated. He’d bring war to the Scoundrels door. At some point though, sooner rather than later, it’d come out that none of the Scoundrels actually burned up in a fire. The jig would be up, and Viper and Sarge would be enemy number one as far as the club was concerned. There’d be a manhunt. The club’s reach was far and wide. The only hope they had was getting away far enough and fast enough before that happened.

“I’ll take the girl to the motel in Oregon. No stops along the way.”

“Right,” Sarge said. “And I’ll meet you there.”

The trickiest part would be getting out of town without being seen. They planned to stay at a motel a few hours out of the state and lay low for the next few days before heading east.

“And this place we’re heading, what’s it called again?” Viper asked.

“Townsend. It’s in Tennessee. At the base of the Smoky Mountains.”

“How’d you hear about it.”

“They’ve got a club. One percenters, but definitely not into this kinda shit,” he said pointing toward the shack.

Easy to assume, but he’d have said the same about his own club two days ago. Never again would he walk into a situation blind and stupid. “So you say.”

Sarge grunted. “True. When I was getting out of the army, I almost prospected there. Came here instead to be closer to my folks.”

“All right, brother, let’s do this shit.” Viper held his fist out.

When Sarge bumped his against it, their gazes collided. Neither was comfortable with the decision to flee the club, but they’d come up with no other viable option. Viper couldn’t remain loyal to a club involved in the kidnapping and selling of women. That was the bottom line.

The fact that he’d be leaving his family, leaving the only life he’d know hadn’t exactly sunk in yet. His entire life, he’d been preached to about loyalty, brotherhood, club family. He still believed in all those things even if he’d be labeled a traitor. A disloyal deserter who the club wouldn’t hesitate to kill.

Legacy or not.

Thing of it was, he saw the situation differently. He and Sarge weren’t the disloyal ones. The rest of the club earned that title. They’d kept secrets, tricked their prospects, and pulled Viper into something Fox had known his son would object to.

Fox knew Vanessa’s rape and death tore Viper up like nothing else.

And the fucker had been committing similar acts all along.

“Eyes open, watch your six the whole time,” Sarge said as they started toward the shack. He’d be on the lookout outside. Viper felt he’d connected with the woman, and probably had the highest chance of convincing her to leave with them. Worse came to worse, they’d knock her out, but he hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

He’d watch his six all right. Especially once there was a gorgeous woman nestled against it on his bike.


CASSIE HAD THOUGHT through every possible escape scenario she could drum up, and each one ended in failure.

She’d never be able to overpower whoever was on guard.

She couldn’t break the wrist bindings securing her to the bed—she’d been trying for hours.

When they released her for a bathroom trip, she couldn’t outrun the long-legged man watching her.

Screaming would be fruitless. She’d noticed the lack of neighbors when they pulled in.

Offering the men money had been a flop.

Threatening them with her parent’s wrath hadn’t worked either.

That left one option. A sickening one, but considering what was in store for her, she’d have to get used to the idea.

Seduction. Maybe if she offered a blowjob or even sex one of them would let her go. Her stomach twisted and turned at the idea.

Though not completely innocent, she was a virgin, and wasn’t exactly planning to cash in her V-card as a bargaining chip. But if it would work to get her out of here?

She might just have to.

What waited for her on the other side would be far worse than one romp with a biker.

So, she shored up her courage and ignored the internal voice screaming at her not to do this. Just as she was about to call out to whoever was babysitting, the door to her room opened up.

“You,” she said on a gasp as the man from the previous night stepped into the room. As if by instinct, some of the fear dissipated. Despite his scowl, and the authority radiating from him, she knew deep down, this man wouldn’t hurt her.

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