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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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With that he turned and slammed through the door barely catching his mom brushing off his behavior to Kevin as his typical screwball behavior.

Maybe if fucking mother-of-the-year back there spent more than five minutes giving a shit about her son, she’d see that fucking screwball behavior for what it actually was.

The only way for a teenage boy to survive the horror of being in a small-town high school where his mother was the headlining act at a sleazy strip club known for looking the other way when underage teens walked through the door. If their fists were full of dollar bills, they were admitted. And every day at school, Luke got to hear all about the quality of his mom’s lap dances. Or how she twirled her nipple tassels like a fucking pro.

Because she was.

And he was nothing more than an annoying screwball the law required her to feed and shelter.


SCREW RAPPED HIS knuckles against Copper’s closed door. The moment his president’s gruff, “Come in,” sounded, Screw nearly hurled.

There he was, a twenty-six-year old biker who had no problem beating the shit out of anyone requiring a life lesson and he was about to piss himself. All because his president requested a meeting.

A three-person meeting.

Just Screw, his VP, and the top guy himself.


For the two hours, sixteen minutes, and a few seconds, since this meeting had been requested, he’d been racking his brain to figure out how and where he’d fucked up. That had to be it, right? Why the hell else would the two top dogs in the club want a private meeting?


Thing of it was, he couldn’t think of a single damn thing he’d done to piss off the prez. This shit had him so spun up, he’d turned down an easy blow job from one of the newer Honeys, the MC’s club girls. First time in his goddamned life he’d missed out on a fucking blowie. And he’d heard this one had some serious suction, too.

He would have said yes. Never mind he hadn’t done so much as shake anyone’s hand since he’d kissed Jazz. He would have said yes if it weren’t for Copper. Copper was the only reason he’d turned the Honey down.


“Said come the fuck in,” Copper yelled, frustration clear in his voice.

Shit. Caught daydreaming to top off whatever ass chewing he was about to receive. Making the president wait. Great idea.

He opened the door and walked in to find Copper behind his desk and a grim-faced Viper in a chair opposite the prez. The third and empty chair might as well have had a giant cock sticking out of it because he was pretty sure he was in for an ass fucking.

And not the kind he liked. This would be un-lubed and violent.

“Have a seat, Screw,” Copper said.

“You know, if you guys wanted me for a third, you coulda just said so. Am I the lucky one who gets to be the cream filling in this cookie?” Screw asked as he dropped into the seat with a grin.

When neither man so much as cracked a smile, he swallowed.


Over the past year, he’d been working his ass off to keep the sarcastic quips, pranks, and general nonsense in check. Being patched into the club was serious business and he tried to treat it as such despite the natural tendency to fall back on jokes and tricks. Something he’d be doing a helluva lot of if these two booted his ass out of the club in the next few minutes.

This club had become his life. What the hell would he do if they dropped him?

“Screw,” Copper said in a tone that had Screw seeking his president’s gaze immediately. “Chill the fuck out, brother.”

He blinked. “Huh?”

“We ain’t here to ride your ass about anything.”

Viper snorted. “He’d probably like that.”

What the fuck? Had he walked into an alternate universe or something? Granted, as one of the newer patched members, Screw hadn’t spent a ton of one on one time with the heads of the club, but really? Not only weren’t they gonna kick him out, they were gonna make sex jokes?

As he stared at Viper like his VP had grown a few extra heads, Copper chuckled. “Think we had him sweating, V.”

“Gotta get our fun somehow,” Viper said with a shrug. Clearly these two had been enjoying his anxious misery.

“Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t nearly shit myself before coming in here. Thought for sure I’d fucked something up.”

“Nah,” Copper said with a wave of his hand. “Nothing like that. Actually, we got an opportunity to present to you.”

An opportunity? “Okay…”

“You heard about, Mamma V, right?”

Of all the ol’ ladies, Cassie, or Mamma V, Viper’s ol’ lady, was the one Screw had spent the least amount of time with. She and Viper were old enough to be his parents, and Cassie acted as a sort of mother hen for the club. The other ol’ ladies were her chickadees and she clucked over all the guys as well. The clubhouse’s kitchen never lacked for delicious food thanks to her. Well, until recently. For the past few weeks, since before the holidays, she hadn’t been around much at all.

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