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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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Maybe she could put a stop to it herself before it got out of hand and men needed to be brought in to break it up.

Just as she was about to burst into the room and make sure the guys were still breathing, a low-pitched, growly voice rang out. “Now, tell me again how fucking straight you are.”

What the fuck?

Jazz peeked through the slit of the partway open door. Immediately, she lifted her hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp of shock.

Directly in her line of sight stood Gumby with his back against the wall, Screw’s body flush against him, trapping him in place with a hand on the wall by Gumby’s head. The other hand lay between them—Jesus, was he massaging Gumby’s cock? Gumby’s eyes held a note of panic as he stared at Screw. He shook his head back and forth.

He didn’t want this.

Though she should scream out for Screw to back the fuck off, her throat constricted so tight, she felt like she couldn’t draw in air. What the hell was Screw doing?

“I said, tell me how this hard cock means you’re straight.” The raw sexual command in Screw’s voice sent a shiver down Jazz’s spine.

Gumby’s head hit the wall with a dull thud as he moaned into the quiet room.

Wait…that was not a sound of protest. It was one hundred percent a sound of need.

Did he want Screw’s hands all over his body? And why the fuck did that thought make her hotter than she could remember being in ages?

“Thought so.” Screw said. He removed his hand, planting it on the wall alongside Gumby’s shoulder. Though Gumby was taller, Screw appeared so much larger in that moment, having the position of power. “You like cock,” he said in a ragged whisper as he rolled his hips into Gumby’s.

After another tortured moan, Gumby shook his head. “No. Back off.”

“Seriously? Even as I’m grinding my hard as fuck prick all over your hard as fuck prick, you won’t admit you want my cock?”

“Fuck you,” Gumby said.

Jazz stood there, heart hammering and feet rooted to the ground, unable to tear her gaze away. Gumby was gay? No, she’d noticed a bulge in his jeans more than once back when they’d been flirting constantly. So he was bisexual? Like Screw. Holy shit, how had she not known this? Was she that oblivious? Or was that part of him not public knowledge?

As much as Gumby denied his attraction to Screw, he hadn’t pushed the other man away. In fact, he was shoving his pelvis forward, thrusting against Screw’s erection.

A harsh chuckle left Screw’s mouth. “I’d sure as fuck let you.”

Her eyes nearly fell out of her head. Somehow in all the times she imagined Screw with a man, she’d never thought he’d give up control enough to be on the receiving end. And yes, she’d imagined it. Quite a bit. An embarrassing amount, really. And now, as the thought crossed her mind once again, it was Gumby’s face she saw, contorted with pleasure as he pushed his cock into a writhing Screw.


Jesus. She should leave. Walk away from both of these men. This road led nowhere but confusion, jealousy, and heartache. Yet she couldn’t even blink for fear of missing what came next.

“Okay, fine, you don’t want my cock,” Screw said without backing off even one inch. In fact, he leaned in even closer, lips near Gumby’s ear. “Bet you want my mouth.”

“Fuck,” Gumby muttered sounding absolutely tormented.

“Say it,” Screw ordered.

Eyes squeezed tightly closed, Gumby shook his head. Against the wall, his fists curled into tight balls. If she wasn’t mistaken, he ground his knuckles into the rough concrete surface of the wall as though working his damnedest to keep his hands off Screw. He’d be scraped and bloodied if he wasn’t careful.

“Say it, and I’ll suck you so good.” Screw jammed his hips forward and Jazz swore she felt it deep inside her pussy, the hard-pulsing drive of his shaft. “Gumby, say it and I’ll make you come so hard the roof’ll blow off this fucking clubhouse.”

Say it. Say it.

Shit, not only was she a voyeur, she was apparently an all-around perv. Her sex clenched and time seemed to stop as she waited for Gumby’s response.

“No.” Gumby said.

She bit her tongue to keep from screaming, “Nooo,” into the air. Shit, when had she become such a creeper?

“No, you don’t want me to suck you or no you won’t ask for it?” When Gumby didn’t reply, Screw laughed, but the sound held a bitter note to it. He began to lower Gumby’s zipper keeping his gaze on the taller man. “Won’t ask for it, but I bet you won’t fucking push me away, will you?”

Again, no answer.

As Screw worked the bulging zipper down, Gumby’s hands remained fisted at his sides. His chest heaved and his mouth parted with the force of his breathing.

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