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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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“Yeah, baby. Sarge just got in. We were talking. That’s all.”

“Oh.” She rolled over, giving him a view of her sleep-softened face. She propped up on one elbow, taking care to keep herself covered with a sheet. “Hey, Sarge.” Between the sex and falling asleep shortly after a shower, her hair stuck out in a wild mess around her shoulders. Instead of looking crazy or scruffy, it was sexy as fuck. Viper shifted his hips to avoid giving Sarge an eyeful of tented sheet.

“Hey, girl. Damn, now I’m kinda wishing I was the one who got to give you a ride out of Washington,” he said with a wink.

Cassie let out a slightly uncomfortable laugh as she scooted back until she sat propped against the headboard. In some kind of acrobatic miracle, the sheet stayed in place and preserved her modesty. Or at least what was left of it after Viper had at her last night. Her face shone with a gentle pink flush, and fuck how he wished they were still alone. He’d climb right back between those creamy thighs for another shot at hearing her shout his name.

Wrapping his arm around her, he tugged her to him and kissed the hell out of her. When he finished, her eyes were glassy and lust-filled.

“Looks like I’ll be drinking at that bar a lot over the next few days,” Sarge said with a roll of his eyes.

Cassie frowned. “The next few days? How long before you go to Tennessee?”

“Not totally sure,” Viper said. “We’re gonna lay low here for a day or two. Just to monitor the situation. Then we’ll head out.”

Come with us.

The words dangled from the tip of his tongue, but what a fucking insane idea. How the hell could he expect this woman to ditch her whole fucking life for a man who’d given her his dick once? She didn’t know shit about him and couldn’t possibly trust him to keep her safe and provided for.

For fuck’s sake, he and Sarge didn’t know if they’d even mesh with this club in Tennessee. Hell, maybe the Hell’s Handlers would prove to be ten times worse than what they’d left behind. What kind of life could he offer her? One where they woke up every morning wondering if that would be the day the Devil’s Tribe found them? Wondering if she’d be shipped off to an insane asshole who’d purchased her and planned to torture her for the rest of her days? At least with a new MC, they’d have the backing of a brotherhood to keep her safe, but if that didn’t work out…fuck, he didn’t want that for her.

If she went with them, she’d never be able to contact her family. The club would surely be monitoring her house for communication from her for a while. And whoever her people were, they had money. Probably contacts. Would they find her before the Tribe did?

A small snore came from Sarge’s bed. Cassie peeked around Viper’s body then laughed softly. “Guess that’s the end of that conversation.” She rested her head on his shoulder. Damn, she felt good there. Better than good. She felt right. Like she belonged in that very spot.

One could dream.

As much as he dreaded the conversation, it had to be initiated. Burying their heads in the sand wasn’t an option. After adjusting so his arm was once again around her, he said, “You can’t go home, Cas. Not yet. Not for a while. Until we are certain the Devil’s Tribe isn’t looking for you.” He ran his hand up and down the bumps of her spine. Her skin was like silk beneath is rough fingertips. He shouldn’t even be allowed to touch something so soft with his beat to hell mitts.

“I know. I don’t want to anyway.” With a heavy sigh, she shook her head. “Things happened…I’m not ready to talk about it yet, but I’m not interested in going back there.”

If her family had abused her…

“Whoa, what just happened there?” Cassie shifted so she could see his face. Her downturned mouth and furrowed forehead shouldn’t have been as adorable as it was.

Adorable? Since when did he call anything fucking adorable? This woman was melting his brain.

“You got seriously tense just now. Did I say something wrong?” She straightened away from him.

“Did they hurt you?”

Her nose scrunched right along with her forehead. “What? Who? My family?”

He nodded, unable to keep from clenching his teeth.

With a shake of her head, she gave him back his ability to breathe. “No. Not physically. It’s just…some stuff happened that I can’t overlook. I can’t be a part of that world any longer. So…”

“Will they be searching for you?”

On an audible exhale, she pursed her lips and shook her head. “I don’t think so. I left on horrible terms, and my father isn’t the emotional type. I’m pretty sure he’ll just assume I skipped town.”

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