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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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“I…wow…I don’t know.” Unexpected as it was, the offer tempted her. Aside from the pain of actually losing Viper, she’d been mostly struggling with the idea of living in this big ol’ house all alone. Sure, she had plenty of friends and loved ones in her life, but at the end of each day, she now went to sleep as the only one under the roof. After having lived with another for decades, she’d grown uncomfortable being alone for long periods of time. But still, pity, charity and duty weren’t offerings she’d tolerate or accept from Copper and Shell. And to leave the home she shared with Viper felt like severing the last link to him. Just the thought of it had her chest constricting with a now familiar heaviness.

Cassie met his gaze, encouraged by the sincerity she saw there.

“Cassie, we love you. You are one of the most important people in our lives,” he said pointing between himself and Shell who nodded with a hopeful smile. “We want this. We want you there for Sunday breakfasts and family dinners. We want you to be a daily part of our children’s lives. The back of our house has that mother-in-law suite we haven’t even put furniture in. A second master bedroom, small living area, second master bath, and even a small eat in kitchen area. It’s perfect for you to have some privacy though you’d have complete full rein of the entire house.”

With a sigh, Cassie gave Copper what probably came off as a pitiful attempt at a smile. The offer was wonderful and maybe had Viper’s death not been so recent, the grief so fresh, she’d have jumped on it. Now, she just couldn’t imagine not being surrounded by his presence each and every day. “I’m not sure.”

“Just think about it,” Shell said as she placed her hand over Cassie’s. “Don’t give us an answer now. The baby isn’t even due for another four and change months. And it’s not like I’m going to enroll in school the day after they release us from the hospital.” She gave Cassie’s hand a squeeze. “So you have plenty of time. If you decide this is something you’d like to do, you can move in any time. Hell, we’d love to have you tomorrow. But know there is no rush. Like the big man said, we love you like family.” Then she gave a weak huff of laughter. “Actually, we love you more than family.”

“Thank you,” Cassie whispered around the lump in her throat. “You two mean the world to me. I will think about it. Seriously.”

“Great.” Shell brightened. “That’s all we ask.” She shifted with a groan. “Ugh, how am I this uncomfortable already? I swear I’m twice as big as I was with Beth at this point.” She glared at Copper. “What kind of monster-sized baby did you put in me?”

He winked. “Only the biggest and the best, baby.”

“Mm-hmm. Surrre.” Shell blew her husband a kiss then turned her attention back to Cassie. “So what did you want to talk to us about?”

“Oh, right. I almost forgot.” Thank God for Shell. She’d have felt wretched if she’d forgotten to ask about a job for Makenna.

“Are you guys looking for help at the diner?”

“Yes! Definitely. Toni hasn’t advertised for it yet since we won’t officially open again for a few weeks, but we will be looking for full-time wait staff and a few part-timers as well. Why? Do you have someone in mind?”

“I might,” Cassie said as she picked up her wine glass.

“Toni and Jazz will bow at your feet if you save them the work of advertising.”

“So who is it?” A wrinkle popped up right between Copper’s eyes. Of course the man was confused. He pretty much knew everyone in Cassie’s life and vice versa. Poor guy was probably racking his brain trying to figure out who she was talking about.

“Well, I ran, literally, into a woman in the market.” With a wince, Cassie shrugged. “I hit her with my cart.”

Copper chuckled. “Knowing you, she got no less than ten thousand apologies.”

“And a job offer.” Shell gave her a warm smile of understanding. She’d have done the same.

After sipping her wine, Cassie replaced the near empty glass on the table only to have Copper top it off almost before she’d released the stem. She’d be trashed by the end of the meal at this rate.

Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing.

Maybe getting her drunk was Copper’s plan.

Maybe she’d finally sleep more than three hours at a time before waking up with her heart in her throat after dreaming of Viper.

Damn nighttime and its haunting ability to bring on endless hours of memories. Even in the grip of slumber.

“Something like that,” she said with a sheepish grin. “Anyway, she just moved to the area and is responsible for her sister who I’d guess to be around two.” Cassie fingered the base of her wineglass before saying. “They seemed like they could use a break. You know?”

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