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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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Sarge opened his mouth and Cassie lifted her hand.

“No!” she barked. “I don’t give a shit what you’re about to say. Get your ass on your bike and ride to the clubhouse. Get some fucking sleep. We’re done for tonight.”

Her chest rose and fell as she sucked in the night air and worked to keep from becoming as irate as the men. At least the chill had fled her system.

She could see it, right there on the tip of Sarge’s tongue. The taunt, mocking Viper for needing his woman to fight his battles. Viper didn’t need squat, but Cassie was so far beyond over this night she couldn’t keep her mouth shut any longer. Thankfully, some of the Sarge she knew returned and he kept his mouth shut.

“I’m tired, I’m angry, bloody, and my face is killing me,” she said. “Go home, Sarge.”

Viper walked up behind her and slid his arm around her waist, drawing her against his firm chest. God, he felt wonderful against her as always. It was then the magnitude of what could have happened tonight hit her and her legs started to shake.

Had Marco stood behind his threats, Viper and Sarge would have been helpless to stop him. She could have been injured far worse, raped or killed. So could either one of the men.

Just a few more minutes. She only had to hold it together for a few minutes.

Sarge sighed and stared at the woods before nodding. “I’m sorry, Cas,” he said.

Most likely, that was all she’d get from him, but it seemed sincere, and Sarge wasn’t one for apologies. For the sake of the club who’d become her family as much as Viper’s, she’d take it. “Thank you. Ride safe.”

And that was that. He climbed on his bike and rode off into the quiet night.

The shakes traveled upward until her whole body trembled with visible force.

“Hey,” Viper said as he turned her.

She buried her sore face against his chest, flinching at the pain. When he moved to draw back, she locked her arms around him. Affection from Viper overrode pain any day.

“Baby, it’s over.”

“I’m n-not s-sure w-what’s w-wrong w-with me.” God, even her voice quivered.

He snorted. “Baby, this was a nightmare of an evening. You were threatened, hurt, and terrified. Not a goddammed thing is wrong with you. I’d wonder about you if you took this shit in stride.”

“Are you okay?” she asked. While she waited for him to answer, she inhaled his familiar masculine scent and it quieted her nerves better than any drug ever could.

He blew out a breath then rested his chin on top of her head. It stung when he made contact with the sore roots Marco had ruthlessly wrenched, but she didn’t protest. Being close to him was far more important than physical comfort in the moment.

“I’m not sure. This whole thing fucked with my head. I don’t know what the fuck has changed in Sarge, but it’s something. Jesus Christ, Cass, he put you at so much risk tonight. We need to get you to a hospital to get checked out.”

“I don’t need a hospital,” she whispered. Viper was there. He’d been all she needed to survive a kidnapping and he was all she needed to get past this as well. The injuries she’d sustained were surface level. Aches, pains, bruises, and a skin tear that would all heal without scarring. In a week or two, no one would ever know this night occurred by looking at her. Not a single soul would gaze upon her and know the terror she felt when Marco’s hands held her or when she watched Viper restrained and repeatedly punched. The mental anguish of the night would last far beyond the physical signs.

She tilted her head back until she could see the serious set of his mouth and the somber gleam from his gaze. “I just can’t stop thinking about what could have happened…”

“I know, baby.” He kissed so softly she wanted to weep.

The entire time she’d been watching Viper and fearing Marco’s intent, she’d berated herself for her foolishness. For stupidly withholding her love. Tonight, they’d been a hair’s breadth away from serious disaster, and she’d never told Viper she loved him. The man had rescued her from the gates of hell, taken her across the country and created a life with her. A life she loved. A life where she woke everyday knowing how the man she lived with felt about her because he not only showed her in every action he performed, but he told her in no uncertain terms.

I love you, Cassie.

He’d said it time and time again and because she doubted her own mind, because she didn’t trust herself, she denied him the same comfort. No more. She couldn’t go a second longer without making sure Viper knew exactly how she felt about him. The words burned like fire inside her mouth, demanding freedom.

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