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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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Sarge lifted the tumbler to his lips. “Wanna be my number two?” he asked before swallowing the liquid.

“What?” Cassie’s startled exclamation had both men whipping their heads in her direction. She stood at the mouth of the kitchen wearing a shirt of his that hit her at the knees. Adorable didn’t come close to describing her with her mussed hair, sleepy eyes, and bare feet with the pale pink toenails. Only problem was the frown on her face. That and the fact he told her not to leave the bed.


Hand lifted, she waved his scolding away. “Yeah, I know I said I’d stay up there, but I heard Sarge’s voice so I knew it was safe.” She spoke to him, but her attention was firmly on Sarge. “You’re going to be the president?” she asked, stepping into the room.

“Gee, Cassie, why don’t you say it with a little more disgust, huh?” Sarge asked a sneer forming. “What’s the matter? You hoping Viper was gonna go for the job?”

Cassie jammed her hands on her hips as her eyebrows drew down. It wasn’t often Cassie unleashed any kind of anger, actually, he’d say she was one of the most easy-going women, people, he knew. But when she did let it fly, it flew damn high. Come to think of it, the only times he’d ever seen true anger from her were in defense of him.

What could he say? The woman loved his biker ass.

He strode over to her and slipped an arm around her waist as he kissed her cheek. “Cass, can you give us a minute? I’ll join you upstairs in a few.”

She narrowed her eyes at him before turning back to Sarge. “No, Viper being president wasn’t even on my radar. I thought your prez would be around for years to come. I’m just surprised it’s gonna be you,” she said, not pulling punches. “You’ve only been in the club a few years, you don’t hold an exec position, and you’re nobody’s blood.” She shrugged. “It’s a stretch is all.”

“Well, get used to the idea.” He capped the bottle of whiskey before walking toward them.

“Did West say the club was thinking of voting you in? How do you know all this?”

“I just know,” Sarge snapped. “I haven’t been one step away from sucking Cutter’s dick for the past five years for no goddammed reason. I’ve given fucking blood, sweat, and tears for this club. My lips have been permanently attached to Prez’s ass and I’ve put up with shit you can’t even imagine from Vito, all to make a fuckton of cash for this club. I didn’t do all that ’cuz it gives me warm fuzzies. I will be the next president of this club.”

Viper didn’t even have a second to process the impassioned yet slightly over the top words from his brother because Cassie muttered, “Don’t hold your breath.”

Oh fuck.

He gave her waist a little warning squeeze, but it was too late.

“The fuck did you just say?” Sarge asked, advancing on her.

Viper held a hand out, stopping his brother. “Cass, go on upstairs. I’ll be right there. It’s the middle of the night and we’re all tired. Let’s just chill out.”

Instead of taking his cue, she crossed her arms over her chest. “No. I’m not going to be shuffled off to bed like some child. He woke us up at three in the morning to tell us he’s going to be president of the club.” She lifted her hands in the air. “It’s crazy.”

“Fucking hell, Viper, I don’t know how you can stand to live with this bitch,” Sarge said.

“Excuse me?” Cassie stood there, mouth agape. Then she turned to Viper. “You’re not seriously going to let him stand in my kitchen and speak to me like that, are you?”

“Cassie, go upstairs and I’ll be up in a minute. I’m just gonna finish up with Sarge.”

“Viper, I’m not leaving. It’s time for him to go.” She added a foot tap to the folded arms and scowl.

Under his breath, Sarge whispered, “She’s totally taken your balls.”

“What the hell did you say now?” Cassie’s red hair seemed to go up in flame as the anger consumed her.

The back and forth had Viper’s head spinning. It was the middle of the night, he was coming off an adrenalin surge from when he’d thought the damn house was being broken in to, and he’d just found out his club’s president died. Not to mention Sarge’s bomb about becoming the next president. And wanting to take Viper on the ride with him. He’d grown up knowing vice presidency then presidency was the path he’d be taking. After leaving Washington, and joining a new club, that plan changed. A top-level position hadn’t been on his radar. Would he want it? Being in charge changed a man. It did with his father. Or at least that’s what he’d told himself over the years to keep from thinking his father had just been born an evil man. His insides swirled with information overload and outside his body, the traded barbs only grated on his nerves.

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