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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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Well, shit…she had a point.

“Are you…Is it…Are you having second thoughts? About us?” The last two words were whispered so low Screw almost missed them and he was inches from Jazz.

Gumby caught them though and his jaw dropped. “What?” he said, tone matching the incredulity of Jazz’s statement a moment ago. “Fuck, is that what you think?” He looked between the two of them. “Is that what this is? You think I want out? That I’m done with you two?”

“No…I…we…well, maybe,” Jazz said, voice small. The vulnerability Screw caught made his chest ache.

Gumby’s too apparently. Their lover rubbed a hand over the left side of his chest. “Christ, Jazzy, no. Never. I—” With a grunt and a shake of his head, he climbed on the bed and straight to Jazz. He crawled up her body and gripped her face between his huge hands.

Then he kissed her with a fierce and powerful possession that had Screw’s cock leaking. The only thing that came a close second to fucking his lovers was watching them fuck.

Or kiss.

Or hell, he could get off watching them shake hands. Especially if they were naked as they both were now. At some point in his little trip up the mattress, Gumby lost the towel. While he continued to kiss Jazz as though it were the last they’d ever share, Screw gave in to his own temptation.

He reached out and wrapped a hand around Gumby’s length, giving a firm, almost rough stroke.

Gumby jolted and grunted into Jazz’s mouth. “Jesus, fuck,” he whispered, making her smile.

Screw leaned forward, pressing his lips to Gumby’s ears. “Love your cock. Love it in my hand. Love it in my mouth.” He squeezed mimicking the tight hold of the place he really wanted his man.

Gumby groaned.

“Love it in my ass.”

Instead of reacting as expected and mounting Screw for the ravaging, Gumby tensed.

“Gumby?” Jazz whispered, the anxiety back once again.

“I want that.”

“Huh?” Jazz’s forehead scrunched and she shook her head. “What do you mean?”

Screw held his breath. He couldn’t possibly mean…

But Gumby looked him straight in the eye and uttered the words Screw had been dying to hear for months. The words he’d never pressure Gumby to say but the ones that meant everything to him. Because it meant Gumby had finally, one hundred percent accepted not only their relationship, but who he was. “I want you to fuck me.”

Screw nearly came on the spot.

Jazz sucked in a breath. “Gumby,” she whispered. “Are you sure? You don’t have to.”

She’d stolen the words from Screw’s mouth. No matter how badly he wanted it, even if it was only one time, he’d never encourage Gumby if he wasn’t completely certain the other man wanted it. No man had ever fucked Gumby and being the first—and only—was an honor Screw would die before fucking up.

“I’m sure. I want this. I need it.” He cupped Screw’s cheek. “I’m sorry I’ve freaked you two out this week. I’ve been lost in my head a bit, thinking about how far we’ve come. How much you both mean to me. You’ve given me so much more than you even realize. You’ve given me a home, a larger family, love, and a life I’d never give up. All I want is to be able to give you something in return. Something as important. Something no one else has ever had, nor ever will have.”

Screw’s throat tightened so much he wasn’t sure his words would come out. “Gumby,” he managed to croak. Swallowing around the lump, he placed his hand over Gumby’s still resting on his cheek. The other threaded through Jazz’s hand, squeezing tight. Her support bolstered him. “Please don’t do this out of some sense of obligation. You owe me”—he glanced at Jazz who nodded—“us nothing. Christ, G, we both fucking love you. You’ve given up so much to be with us. Changed your whole entire life. You don’t owe us a goddammed thing.”

“Please, Screw. I want to give this to you. I want to experience this with you. I know you’ll make it good for me.” His smile and trust nearly melted Screw’s heart at the same time his words shot an unfamiliar bolt of fear through him.

Screw had been with hordes of men and women in his single days. Never once had he been nervous or uncertain of his sexual prowess. Never once had he doubted his ability to be a skilled and fucking excellent lover. Until now. Until the one time it meant everything in the goddammed world.

“Trust me, Gumby,” Jazz said with a chuckle. “He’ll make it more than good for you. No promise you won’t pass out from how good it will be.”

Screw stared into her eyes before he kissed her softly on the lips. The woman knew just what to say and when to say it. How he’d ever lived without these two in his life was a mystery he never planned to solve.

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