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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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Yeah, sexy as fuck.

“Uh, hey,” she said as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

The move had him shifting to adjust for the sudden tight fit of his jeans. In his mind, all her clothes vanished, and she stood there in nothing but those professional glasses. Okay, maybe some skimpy panties, too. Damn, they’d be fun to tear off in a fit of unrestrained lust.

Fuck. Time to shift gears before he showed his hand. Or his cock.

“Hey.” He took a step to the right, positioning himself behind the bike to keep from being outed as a perv. “You can come on in. Dinner go well?”

A smile transformed her face from nervous to plain happy. “Yes.” She placed a hand against her shirt over her belly. “I haven’t laughed that that much in years. My stomach still aches. You have a wonderful family.”

He snorted.

Mickie tilted her head as she watched him, and he had the distinct impression she was trying to peel him like an onion, to see his layers and what lay beneath each one. Too bad he wasn’t that damn deep.

“You don’t agree?”

“I have great siblings,” he said. “When they aren’t trying to annoy the fuck outta me.” The rest of his family, not so much.

With a nod, she continued walking but didn’t question his stress of the word siblings. “Well, you are lucky to have them. A built-in support system. At least you were never lonely as a kid.”

As she trailed off, he watched a host of emotions play across her face before she had a chance to school them. It seemed as though growing up as an only child had been lonely for her. Probably even worse once her mother passed.

Mickie cleared her throat. “Anyway…” She waved her free hand in front of her face. “I brought you some dinner. Jagger said you probably haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

Accurate, but Jagger’s name on her lips had something dark and ugly twisting in his gut.

“I had some errands to run, so I offered to swing by and drop it off.”

Hmm. Interesting. Never once had one of his siblings gone out of their way to bring him food if he missed dinner and no way were they planning to start tonight. And errands at seven thirty on a Saturday night?


She’d straight-up offered to drive to the garage and bring him dinner.

The coil in his gut unraveled, and warmth spread through his veins. “Shit, thanks. Um…” He glanced around, but there wasn’t any place suitable or clean enough to sit. “Come on into my office. Let me just wash up. I’m starved.”

“I can’t, um…” She thumbed over her shoulder as she looked toward the dimly lit parking lot behind her as though longing to escape. Then she sighed. “Okay, sure. Lead the way.”

He did, and he swore he felt her eyes on his ass the entire trip. Maybe it was just wishful thinking or many months without sex making his mind run wild.

And wild was the perfect way to describe his fantasies about Mickie. He grunted. Even though they’d formed a tentative friendship, nothing about Mickie conveyed a wild side. Sure, they claimed the ones you’d never expect were the craziest in bed, but who was he kidding? She was still wealthy, reserved, and slightly stiff. Swinging from the rafters wasn’t in her makeup.

“Did you say something?” she asked from a few steps behind.

“Nope. Here we go. Grab a seat.” Not that she had many choices. She could take the beat-up leather chair behind his desk or the torn fabric one in front of it. “Be right back.”

“Thanks.” As she moved around him through the small doorway, her ass brushed his hand where he held the door open.

Keith bit his lip to keep from groaning out loud. The woman had a stellar ass. Plump, round, perfect for filling his hands. Not like the skinny Hollywood idols so many women modeled themselves after these days. No, Mickie had the body of a sexy, tempting, exquisite woman.

Christ, he had a one-track mind.

Internally flipping himself off, he popped in the small bathroom, washed as much of the grease off his hands as humanly possible, then darted back to his office. Mickie sat in front of his desk, gazing around the office at the pictures Ronnie had hung when he bought the place. He cleared his throat as he entered.

She jumped as though caught in the act, but then smiled as he sat. “You look so young there,” she said, pointing to a small frame on his desk. His favorite photo, taken about sixteen years ago when he’d purchased the house he lived in now and gave his siblings a place to live far better and safer than where they grew up. It’d been a burned wreck they acquired for a steal at an auction after a fire destroyed the place, but it was theirs. With Jagger at the helm, they’d worked together to make themselves a home. In the photo they stood in front of the house, arms around each other as he held the key to their sanctuary.

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