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Jameson (Face-Off 4)

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“I’m not scared,” I confess, leaning into her hand. “I never once thought you would say no to my proposal. What I was nervous about is that you wouldn’t let me finish, kind of like what you’re doing right now.”

“Shit,” she mumbles under breath. “I’m sorry. You should know better than to let me get in a word when you have something important to ask me.”

“Regan, please don’t interrupt me again before I ask you again. Will you marry me?” Clutching her free hand, I wait for her to nod, the tears streaming down her face in buckets, before I slip the ring onto her finger.

It’s a perfect fit, the band just right. Like Regan and me. Wiping under her eyes with my thumb, I brush away the tears as they fall. She climbs onto my lap and hooks her arms around my back, her grip like a vise.

After sobbing on my shoulder for a few minutes, she lifts her head to stare directly into my eyes. “This was an amazing welcome home surprise. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Jameson O’Connor. I want to start our family as soon as possible. We’ve waited long enough.”

“Start our family as in right now?” I ask, hoping the answer is yes because I’m dying to be inside her, ready to begin our life together, joined as one.

“Right now,” she whispers against my lips.

Unable to keep my hands off her body, I strip off her clothes first, followed by mine, creating a mess of fabric on the floor around us. I run my hand across her smooth skin and bend forward to kiss her shoulder, her skin pricking with goose bumps. A soft moan escapes her lips, as I mumble that I love her, all while my lips explore her body. Devouring every inch of her, I take my time, savoring every second. I want this moment to last forever. And, to some extent, now it will. Because Regan will be my wife, the mother of my children.

After years of having so much sadness in my life, brought on by a painful childhood, Regan has shown me that I am capable of true happiness. Her love consumes me, makes me whole. She made me a better man. She gave me a better life. Now, I will make her my wife. Nothing can destroy the bond we have built.

Want more of Jameson and Regan? Download the extended epilogue in ebook format by clicking HERE.

The Face-Off Series will be back in October with a new story arc and my next bad boy, Dean Crawford. Subscribe to my Bad Boy Mafia to get a sneak peek of Dean’s book as soon as it’s available.

Until then, I have a college romance for you to check out. Keep reading for an exclusive sneak peak of my first football novel, Roughing.

Pre-order Roughing from Amazon

Roughing is available on August 9th.

As the star running back for the Strickland Senators, Sebastian Prince knows what it takes to score on and off the field.

Bash has it all—money, looks, women, and the Heisman. But he can’t get the one thing he wants. Two years ago, Bash lost the only girl who ever made him feel something. And he wants her back.

Tori Reynolds hates football. But she hates Bash even more. After a not-so-chance encounter at a game, Bash has another shot with the girl who got away. While Bash might be a different person than before, Tori is hesitant to let him back into her life.

Bash has never turned down a challenge, and when it comes to Tori, he’s willing to go the distance, and this time, he’s not just looking to score.


Chapter One Excerpt

subject to change before publication


Tonight is going to suck. I can feel it in my bones as I run down Broad Street, toward the Strickland University stadium. Our school lives and dies by football. Between the Philadelphia Eagles and our college teams, the city comes alive on game nights.

With the start of a new season, the air buzzes with electricity from the fans screaming in the distance. I’m not one of them. Football and the jerks who play the sport are not my thing. Either is our star running back, or at least that’s what I tell myself every time I run away from him.

“C’mon, Tori,” Jessica yells at me, pulling on my shirt, as I slow my pace to drool over a cute guy sitting on a bench in the Quad. He was in one of my classes last year, though I can’t remember which one with how many I packed into my schedule just so I could graduate on time.

Jogging almost in place, I get up the nerve to raise my hand and waive to the boy I think is Josh. Or maybe Justin. Either way he’s hot. We can clear up the name situation later. With my senior year finally beginning, I’m forcing myself to break out of my shell. This is a good start.

“Stop checking him out. We’re gonna be late,” Jessica whines.

I laugh at my best friend who I’ve roomed with since freshman year and turn my head away from the babe on the bench. “Let me ask him to come with us. Just hold on a second.”

She still has a good grip on the Strickland football baby tee that rides up my stomach, exposing some of my flesh. The shirt is too small for me. It was free, and since I’m not much of a football fan, I didn’t want to pay for it. So, I stuffed my curvy ass into this size small shirt that has my boobs popping out from the V-neck.

“We don’t have time. Let’s go! Clay will be pissed if I’m not in my usual seat by the start of the game, and I don’t feel like fighting with him tonight, of all nights.”

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