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Payment in Love

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‘What is it?’ he whispered. ‘This?’

He moved again, deliberately and erotically, and fierce pangs of desire raced through her.

‘You like that?’

She could hear the male satisfaction in his voice, but for once it didn’t anger her.

‘Yes,’ she whispered back. ‘Yes, I like it very much.’

She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the voluptuous swell of pleasure surging through her as Kyle bent his head and slowly traced a line of tormenting kisses from the base of her throat to the swell of her breasts.

She didn’t need any coaxing or urging to arch up against his mouth when it finally reached the tautness of her nipple. The gentle rhythmic caress of his lips as they tugged softly on the erect nub of flesh brought wave after wave of fierce delight rolling through her body, and yet her senses told her that there was more, that Kyle was deliberately holding back.

When she moaned and pressed his head to her breast, he eased away.

‘Heather, no,’ he protested. ‘This is all very new to you and I don’t want…I don’t want to do anything that might hurt you.’

Once, she would have taken that as a rejection, but now she had enough intuition to sense the frustrated desire behind the denial and, wantonly, she arched up against him, lifting her head so that she could whisper pleadingly, ‘I’m a woman and not a child, Kyle, and that’s how I want you to make love to me. I can’t help it if I haven’t experienced any of this before, but…’

‘You can’t help it! Do you honestly think I’m objecting?’ He groaned. ‘Oh, God, Heather!’

Her lungs seized up in a paralysis of pleasure as his mouth held hers, his teeth tugging at her bottom lip, his need of her so obvious and so almost out of control that she couldn’t suppress the deep wave of feminine excitement shivering through her.

Voluptuously, she allowed her instinct to take over. When again his lips caressed the sensitive flesh of her nipple, her fingertips stroked the hard ridge of his spine. His gentleness vanished, his mouth fierce in its possession of her breasts, the faint pain of the sharp rasp of his teeth against the sensitive tissue lost beneath the intensity of her pleasure.

Wherever his mouth touched her, her flesh responded, delighting in the sensation. Boldly she caressed him in turn, filled with wonderment that she had gone so long without knowing how much she loved him. Blocking out of her mind the fact that he only desired her, she gave herself to their lovemaking with the passionate intensity of her nature.

Long before the final act of possession she was aching for the pleasure of having Kyle within her. Her femininity clamoured for it, ached for it, demanded it, and when Kyle hesitated, searching her face for signs of reluctance or apprehension, she clung to him.

‘Now, Kyle…now, please.’

She closed her eyes as she felt his body surge against her own, and then opened them in disappointment and fear as he stopped.

‘That’s better. I want to look at you as I make love to you. Heather, I want to see what you’re feeling reflected in your eyes, and I want you to see what loving you is doing to me.’

In its own way, it was almost more intimate than the physical union of their bodies. In Kyle’s eyes she saw the same fierce pleasure she herself

was experiencing: the same exultation, the same humbling of pride and self to the demands of their flesh.

She cried out and didn’t know that she had done so until she heard Kyle’s hoarse response, her body gripped by intense surges of sensation. She felt the heat and power of Kyle’s body within her own and welcomed its strength, exulting in her own power at the moment of their mutual release from earthly bonds.

‘Yes…yes…that’s how I wanted to see you,’ she heard Kyle say, fiercely. ‘Now I know that you’re really mine. Nothing could have prevented this from happening, Heather, it was written in our lives too long ago.’

The pleasure was fading, leaving her tremulous and exhausted, and yet exultant at the same time. Willingly, she let Kyle draw her close to him, as he eased her damp, exhausted body close to his own. She could still feel the frantic racing of his heart. She covered it with her palm, smiling to herself to think that she had the power to affect him so strongly.

Her last thought as she fell asleep was that she loved him.

* * *

Heather woke up abruptly just before dawn, shivering with cold, and then realised why. Kyle had left her. She shivered again, every slight movement of her body reminding her of the intensity of their lovemaking. Now, alone and completely free of shock and trauma, she was forced to consider the folly of what she had done.

Where would she and Kyle go from here? He had said nothing about loving her; he had made no promises to her. There had been no talk of any future for their relationship.

Her immediate instinct was to leave, to hide herself away somewhere where she could be alone to contemplate her future, but she couldn’t do that. This afternoon her parents were expecting her and Kyle to drive them to the airport for their flight to Portugal.

It struck her as she sat there, her coldness forgotten, that Kyle probably felt exactly the same way as she did herself, that there was possibly nothing more he wanted than for her to disappear out of his life. Last night had been an aberration for both of them; a coming together that was a culmination of something begun many years ago. Now it was over; that part of their lives finally finished. She didn’t regret their making love. How could she? Even now, the memory of the pleasure he had given her lingered in her body, and she knew shamefully that, if he were to come to her now, physically she would be unable to stop herself from welcoming him.

No, she couldn’t do anything until after her parents had left. Her mind raced round in tormented circles. She would have to go home. The house would be cold and unwelcoming, but better that than staying here, embarrassing Kyle with her presence. How long would it be before he put two and two together and guessed the truth? That was a complication that would benefit neither of them. She still retained enough pride to want to meet Kyle on equal terms, but she couldn’t. He had never deceived her. He had never said anything about loving her, probably had no idea of how she felt about him, and that was the way she would prefer it to stay.

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