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Miss White and the Seventh Heir

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He hesitated. Until now, he hadn’t even admitted to himself about his growing feelings for Sage. For so long, he’d tried holding her at arm’s length, but somewhere between rescuing Happy and the Red Heart Gala she’d broken through his barriers.

He wanted to believe that this was the beginning for them. He wanted to believe they could write a different story than the unhappy one his parents had lived.

“I... I do care about her. But I’ve really messed things up.”

Maria patted his arm and sent him a sympathetic look. “Did you apologize?”

He nodded. “But it was more than an apology could cover.”

“Give her time. Keep showing her that you care. She’ll come around.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Of course I am. Who could resist that smile?” She patted his cheek. “Now, you’ll need to give me a menu so I can get started shopping.”

“About that, I have some very specific ideas to run by you.”

Together they entered his office and they plotted out a birthday party that would be unlike any other.


THE FESTIVAL WAS nearing the end.

Late Thursday afternoon, Sage stared at her production calendar for the magazine; it still had noticeable gaps. For all their efforts, she still couldn’t secure all the necessary interviews. And without a rock-solid plan, the board would vote against her. She was starting to wonder if this was a lost cause.

But if the magazine failed, it meant she wouldn’t be able to keep up her payments to the private investigator. And she knew if he were taken off the case now, she would probably never get this close to uncovering Elsa’s lies again.

And then there was Trey. She should be happy that the closing of the magazine meant he would be out of her life, but try as she did to dislike him—and she did try hard—there was something about him that made her want to forgive him. Had she forgiven him? Perhaps. But did she trust him? That was another story.

Knock. Knock.

“Come in.” Sage looked up from the desk in her room.

The door swung open and Trey appeared. “I was wondering if you might be interested in an early dinner here at the château before we leave for the party.”

“That sounds perfect. I just need to finish this email.”

Trey nodded in understanding. “There’s also something I’d like to discuss with you. Can you meet me downstairs when you’re finished?”

She nodded and he left.

That was strange. She’d noticed the serious tone in his voice. In fact, his whole face wore a serious expression. What had happened? Or did he have another secret to reveal? Her heart sank. Was there something else he’d been lying to her about?

She turned back to her email, but it suddenly didn’t seem like such a priority. She couldn’t dismiss her worry. What if it wasn’t Trey? What if Elsa was causing more problems?

Deciding she could finish the email later, she closed her laptop. She hurried downstairs. If her stepmother was causing problems for Trey, she would...she would do something. She just didn’t know what that something would be. Messing with her was one thing, but messing with someone she cared about was quite another.

Sage came to a stop on the bottom step. Did she care about Trey? Her heart started to pound. The truth was she did care about him. She probably shouldn’t, but her heart had won the battle over her head.

“Sage, there you are.” Trey stepped in front of her. He didn’t smile, not a good sign. “I thought you had an email to finish?”

“It can wait. This sounds serious.”

“We can talk out on the veranda.”

He waved for her to lead the way. She held her tongue until they were standing on the private balcony. But then she turned to him. “What is it? What has Elsa done now?”

His eyebrows rose. “How do you know it’s her?”

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