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Miss White and the Seventh Heir

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“I need you to take this file to Sage. I forgot to give it to her before she left.”

His gaze lowered to the thin file folder. “Surely it can’t be that important.”

“She needs it for her meeting in New York.”

“New York?” No wonder Sage appeared a bit on edge. He thought she was angry with the way he’d reacted over the reconciliation with his father. But she’d had other more important matters on her mind. “She’s going to face Elsa, isn’t she?”

“I can’t really say. She swore me to silence.”

That told him everything he needed to know. “Give me the file.” It was the excuse he needed to speak to her and try to convince her to forgive him so he could accompany her on this trip. “I’ll see that she gets it.”

“I was really hoping you’d say that. And if you don’t make it back for a while, no worries—Happy will be fine with me.”

“You mean you’ll spoil him some more.”


“Like I said, we’ve got this. Just make sure Sage is all right.” She held out the folder to him.


e accepted it. “I will, if she lets me.”

“You can be persuasive. After all, you talked her into hiring you, didn’t you? Flash her that million-dollar smile, and if that doesn’t work, grovel.”

“Grovel?” He shook his head. He wasn’t one that was used to groveling. But when he thought of living his life without Sage in it, groveling didn’t seem like such a bad option. “I’ll do whatever it takes.” He rushed to the door and then paused to turn back. “Thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for? You’re the one doing me a favor.” She winked at him.

“You’re the best.”

“Stop with the flattery and get going. You don’t want to miss her.”

He took off out the door. Thankfully he’d left his car right in front of the building in the no-parking zone. Sometimes rules had to be broken, especially when you realize what an idiot you’ve been.

He stopped next to his car and searched the parking area for the black town car that had pulled out just as he’d arrived. He was certain it would be long gone by now, but then he spotted it waiting in a long line at the red light. Most of the time that stoplight annoyed him to no end with its long green for the main drag but its five-second green for the parking lot. Today he was thanking his lucky stars because it was just the delay he needed to catch up to Sage.

He took a side exit, avoiding the troublesome light, and followed her car onto the freeway. With the congestion on the roadway, he fell back a few cars. It was no big deal as there wasn’t any way to get her to pull over here. He would just follow her to the airport where he could tell her—

A car came flying up beside him. It was a flashy red sports car. It swerved into his lane, nearly sideswiping him before it rushed on.

The sports car surge forward and then it veered to the right, cutting off a car. The car braked and started a chain reaction of collisions. Trey practically stood on his brakes to get stopped in time.

When he looked up, he saw the sports car had swerved across the five lanes of traffic. Brake lights lit up. And then the car struck the fender of Sage’s car. Trey watched the accident as if it was in slow motion. The black town car spun around and another oncoming car struck the passenger side.

Trey’s heart lurched into his throat.

No. No. No. This can’t be happening.

She just has to be okay. Please, let her be okay.

By now traffic had ground to a halt in all the lanes. Trey shut down his car and jumped out. He wasn’t the only one. Others were getting out to help the passengers in the now-wrecked cars. But the red sports car was nowhere to be found. It must have slipped away on the off-ramp.

He ran toward Sage’s car. The driver stepped out. He grimaced as he rubbed his neck.

Trey kept moving until he was next to Sage’s door. He eased it open and found her sitting there with her head lulled off to the side and her eyes closed. A trickle of blood trailed down the side of her face.

Trey’s chest tightened. This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t be too late to tell her that he was sorry. That he loved her. And he would do whatever it took to make her happy.

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