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Mr. Smithfield

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Hollie stepped out in the second dress. It was even more beautiful than the first, if that was possible.

“It’s so glamourous,” I said, taking in the fitted corset and sweeping fishtail.

“It looks great. But it’s not as comfortable as the other one,” she said, stepping up to the podium with a shuffle and a hop.

“It makes your ass look incredible,” I said, and Hollie turned around and tried to look at the back view over her shoulder.

“I’m not sure a good butt is worth not being able to breathe. What do you think?”

“I think not breathing is a compromise too far,” I agreed.

She nodded and tentatively stepped down from the podium and headed back behind the changing screen.

“Dexter is pushing me on the date, but I want to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your plans,” Hollie said. “Could you put together some kind of itinerary and let me know as soon as you can when would be a good time?”

I laughed. “You’re insane. This is one decision where I refuse to let you put me first. You can’t plan a wedding around plans that haven’t been made, or a person who isn’t the bride. Set your date and I’ll work around it.”

“What if you’re in the middle of Russia at the time we’re supposed to be getting married?”

“Well firstly I’m not planning on going to Russia, and secondly, I’ll come back.” I wish we could get off the subject. There was so much to enjoy about life right now. I wanted to soak in it for a little while.

“I don’t want to be responsible for dragging you away from something fun. Can’t you just come up with a plan?”

“Okay,” I said. I wasn’t going to win this battle. Hollie didn’t know how not to put me first. I would have to start looking into what I was going to be doing this summer. “I’ll look into it.” I needed to pull up my big girl pants and start planning. My right now wasn’t going to last forever, and I needed to embrace the future. I’d spent my entire life dreaming of travelling around Europe, and I wasn’t about to be sad about the fact my dreams were going to come true. I just wouldn’t allow it.



The kind of news I’d gotten today would normally have me irritated. Everyone in my law firm knew that I didn’t travel. It was the one rule I’d not broken for the sake of a client since Bethany was born. Apparently Autumn Lumen changed everything, because tonight, I couldn’t wait to get home and see the look in her eyes when I told her we were going away.

“Hello,” I said as I walked through the door. It was gone eight so Bethany wouldn’t be awake, but I tried to make it home before Autumn went to bed. I managed it most nights.

“Hey,” Autumn called. As I wandered into the kitchen, I found her at the cooker. “I’m making that meatloaf you liked.”

I couldn’t remember exactly when Autumn started cooking dinner for me. But for weeks now there was always something to eat when I got home from work. She’d said she was cooking for her and Bethany and so it was no trouble to cook for me too. But she didn’t have to, and we both knew it. That was Autumn all over—she always gave more than I expected.

“That’s kind of you.” I walked up behind her, snaked my arm around her waist, and buried my head in her neck.

“You’re back early. How was work?” she asked.

“Good,” I said, kissing her neck and then going to the fridge to get a beer.

“Really? That’s not normally the response I get from you. Usually you groan and complain about Mike.”

I chuckled. “Well he tried to be a dick today but it backfired.”

“Really?” she said, putting something in the oven and turning to face me.

“He knows I won’t travel. Since Bethany was born, it’s a hard line in the sand that I’ve always had and made no exception for. Today, Mike told me he’s looking at a huge telecoms company in Europe, and he wants me out there for a week to look at the parts of the data room that they’re refusing to put online.”

“Oh God,” she said. “What did he say when you told him no?”

I grinned and stepped toward her. “I told him yes. We’re going to Rome next week.”

Her eyes widened and she grabbed hold of my forearms. “What do you mean we?”

“You, me, and Bethany. I thought we could fly out on the Saturday morning. I don’t have to be in the data room until Monday. I’m not sure how the week will go, but I thought you and Bethany would like to explore Rome together. I might get some time during the day. But you’re probably going to be on your own most of the time.”

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