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Touch by Touch (Riggins Brothers 4)

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It’s been too long since I’ve been held like this. Not since moving to Nashville. To be honest, watching what Aurora went through with her ex had me running scared from relationships. I’ve been on a few dates, but nothing serious or long term. More of dinner, maybe some dancing, and then we go our separate ways.

When the Riggins brothers waltzed into our lives, I knew the minute I saw Grant and Aurora together that they were meant to be. Instant attraction, and the way they look at each other, talk about couple goals. They have what I want someday. However, I’ve yet to find a man who holds my attention for longer than an evening out.

As for tonight, Conrad Riggins has my full attention. I know I should pull away, but what’s the harm in a little snuggling while we watch a movie? It’s not like there are any witnesses to this one small indiscretion.

So, instead of doing what I know that I should, I remain where I am, with my cheek pressed to his chest, soaking up his warmth. I’m more comfortable than I have been in I don’t know how long. I don’t know if it’s this massive couch that I’m sure was crazy expensive or if it’s the man. My last thought before drifting off to sleep is that it’s both.

Definitely both.

My bladder is screaming to be emptied, but I’m warm. So damn warm and comfortable that I don’t want to move, but my bladder demands attention. Forcing my eyes open, I blink a few times taking in my surroundings, and that’s when I remember where I am. I’m at the Riggins’s family cabin with Conrad. Conrad, the fourth Riggins brother, and the man who has his arms wrapped tight around me, breathing softly against my neck.

Conrad Riggins.

I don’t want to lose this moment, the feeling of his arms wrapped around me, but I need to pee, or I’m going to embarrass myself. Reluctantly and as careful as I can, I slide out from underneath his hold and tiptoe to the bathroom. After taking care of business and washing my hands, I crave the warmth of his arms. I know I shouldn’t, but it is what it is. Softly, I walk back to the couch to see if he’s still sleeping.

“Come back to bed,” he says groggily.

“We’re not in a bed.” I try to talk to the half-sleeping Adonis of a man. I take a step closer to get a better look at him.

“Then come back to me.”

My movement halts. Is he asleep? Does he know what he’s saying? Who he’s talking to? “Aspen?” I jump when he says my name. My eyes find his that are now half-open. “Come back to me,” he says. His voice is deep from sleep, but there is a sincerity there I can’t ignore. His words tug at the strings of my heart. With a nod, I take my place next to him on the chaise lounge. He lifts the covers over us and pulls me back into his arms. My body is stiff. I can’t seem to relax. My mind is racing. What does this mean? Does it even mean anything? Maybe he’s just tired and doesn’t want to worry about me roaming around the cabin on my own? I can’t seem to shut it all out, that is until I hear him release a heavy sigh, and his body molds around mine. Oddly enough, it relaxes me too. So much so that I drift off to sleep in his warm embrace.

“I can feel you staring at me, creeper.” I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to see his as he watches me. I can only imagine what he’s thinking. I know what I look like first thing in the morning with my hair all a mess. He’s seeing me in all my glory—sleep lines, messy hair, no makeup, all of it.

“You’re cute when you sleep.”

His words have me peeling one eye open to look at him. “Did aliens abduct you while we slept?” I’m teasing, my tone light, but this isn’t the teasing flirting Conrad I’m used to. This is a serious, soft, and sweet Conrad. Forcing the other eye to open, I take him in. His hair is mussed, and he, too, has sleep lines on his face.

“No.” He smiles, reaching out and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “No aliens, but I didn’t peg you for a runner?”

“Me? I’m not.”

“Then why did I have to coax you back to bed last night.”

“This isn’t a bed.” It’s the best I’ve got. I can’t tell him that I wanted to be next to him, to feel his body wrapped around mine. That would have us crossing lines that we shouldn’t cross. Sure, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but I am not doing a single thing to mess with my sister’s wedding. I think she would be happy for me, for us, but it’s not worth the risk. Maybe one day…. What am I saying? No. I’m letting one night and a naked incident cloud my mind. It was just a thing. Two adults falling asleep on the couch. So we cuddled? Big deal.

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