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Touch by Touch (Riggins Brothers 4)

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“Let’s do it.”

Side by side, we begin to ice and decorate the cookies. I’m glad that everyone will be here tomorrow. If the two of us were to eat all of these, they’d have to roll us out of here. I’m focused on dropping sprinkles on the outline of the heart I’m decorating, which is the only reason I don’t see his finger coming until it’s too late. I yell out in surprise as Conrad swipes icing down my cheek. “No, you didn’t.” I laugh, grabbing a towel and wiping at my face.

Swiping my index finger through the bowl of icing, I hold it up so he can see it. “Payback.” I grin and step around the counter. He retreats, which means I have to chase after him. He takes off toward the living room with me hot on his trail. He moves around the couch, and I jump over the back to get to him. It would have worked too, but he’s much bigger and stronger than I am. While I was gaining my footing, he had his arms wrapped around me from behind and my finger with the dollop of icing in his mouth.

When his lips wrap around my finger, and his tongue goes to work, removing the icing, every single nerve in my body is awakened. I stop squirming and lean against him. His grip tightens as he pulls me closer to his chest. The heat of him sears my back even through his sweatshirt that I’m wearing.

“Delicious,” he whispers huskily after letting my finger drop from his mouth. I feel his hot breath against my neck, and I will him to kiss me.



My breath stalls in my lungs as I wait to see what he’s going to do. The song changes to WALK THE MOON’s “Shut Up and Dance,” and I feel his lips next to my ear. His hot breath sending tingles down my spine.

“Dance with me.” His words are whispered, but they are not a request. They’re a command as he takes my hand in his and spins me out from his chest. Laughter bubbles up inside of me, and when he pulls me back in so we are now chest to chest, I can’t help but smile up at him. “Show me what you got, Steele,” he murmurs.

Something Conrad might not know about me is that I love to dance. Not one to ever turn down the opportunity to do something I love, I begin to sway my hips. His hands guide me as we move to the beat. He dips me low over his arm and spins me around before releasing me and going into the sprinkler. I’m laughing so hard it steals the breath from my lungs, but I keep on dancing as I gasp for air, watching him and his impressive moves.

“Is that the best you’ve got, Riggins?” I break out in the running man and watch in fascination as he throws his head back and roars with laughter. One song leads to another as we go back and forth, trying to one-up each other with our ridiculous over-the-top dance moves. It’s the most fun I’ve had in years, if not ever with a man.

When Brantley Gilbert’s “Let it Ride” comes on, the atmosphere changes. We’re no longer dancing to silly fast songs, and this one slows things down. I take a step back to put some space between us, but Conrad has other ideas. His arms snake around my waist, and he pulls me close to his chest, his hands resting low on my back, just above my ass. Neither one of us says a word as Brantley croons about being caught up in the moment and letting it ride. I couldn’t have chosen the lyrics better if I had written them myself.

Without conscious thought, I rest my head against his chest, and his arms hold me close. I listen to the lyrics of the song as it plays out how I’m feeling at this moment. It’s like fate knows we’re both fighting this attraction between us. I’m not blind. Even though I’ve been pretending that I don’t see it, I know he’s feeling the same desire I am. I see it in his eyes.

When I feel his lips press to the top of my head, I move from my position resting against his chest, and peer up at him. His hands that were holding me close move to cradle my face in the palm of his hands. His brown eyes are intense as they take me in. He looks to my lips and then back to my eyes. I recognize his intentions, and if he’s waiting for me to stop him, he’s going to be waiting a long time. I want this. I’ll think about the consequences later. Besides, it’s just a kiss.

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