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Fallen Daughters

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“I won’t leave you,” he reassured. He laid me down and crawled in bed beside me.

I curled up next to him and pressed my cheek to his chest as he hugged me tight. “Is this the after life who everyone was using Father Dane to reach? Is this it?” I asked.

William remained silent.

“What do we do now?”

Effortlessly, he shed me of my clothing, never breaking his stare with mine. When he removed his own clothing and kneeled on the bed before me in all his nude glory, I couldn’t help but moan in anticipation.


“Don’t talk,” he interrupted and climbed on top of me, lowering his mouth to mine. He kissed me long and deep. He tasted of life, hope, and sweetness. Not a scratcher. No longer a scratcher.

His cock pressed against my pussy and slowly entered me. I held onto his back as his size filled me with a comfortable and familiar feeling of love and connection. We were joined as one. Two lovers reconnecting after a war filled with bleakness.

My afterlife was William. My angel was William.

No Father Dane. No statue of Jesus Christ staring upon me. No warm light of the stain glass windows. Just William. Just my William making love to me.

But I was a sinner.

Did I deserve such happiness?

Had Father Dane truly rid me of all my evil as he fucked me into death?

Had his last rites been enough?

William continued to push his hard dick inside of me, spreading me wide. My wet pussy welcomed him as an orgasm I never thought I would feel again drew closer and closer with every push of his sex inside of me.

His moans blended with mine as his actions grew in intensity.

“William,” I gasped, wondering if my heaven was spending the rest of our days in our safe bedroom fucking for all eternity.

He continued on, driving my ecstasy to the next level.

“Is this forever? You and me?” I asked between my mewls of pleasure.

Just as I was about to cum, I glanced to my right and saw Lettie standing at my bedside looking down upon me.

“Lettie,” I said as William continued to fuck me, him not paying attention to the woman beside our bed.

She smiled as she began scratching her arm over and over. Her pale fingertips dug into her arms until blood ran down her thin forearms. She never once stopped smiling as she dug into her flesh.

Panic sunk in as I tried to push William off my body, but he wouldn’t budge. He just continued to fuck me as Lettie clawed her way into becoming a scratcher.

Lettie! She was a scratcher.

“William, stop,” I cried out, wanting to both help Lettie but also run from her. If she was a scratcher, then William and I had to run fast.

Run or die.

Wait… we were dead. We were all dead.

This was the other side. No scratchers. Safety.

Finally being able to get the weight of William off my body, he fell to the side of the bed and smiled at me. He too began scratching his arm over and over. Blood emerged on his arm but never once did he stop smiling at me. Just like Lettie. They both smiled with the white light all around them.

No. No. This was the other side. Last rites had been performed.

I shook my head to try to fight against what was happening. Scratchers were not supposed to be on the other side! Father Dane had performed last rites, and I was supposed to cross over… cross over… to the other side.

But I was a sinner.

And then my body began to itch. An itch far worse than any sensation before. With the bright light all around, and William and Lettie smiling at me with wide grins and bloody arms, I had no choice.

I scratched.

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