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Big Roomie

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I’m lost in the night. Time doesn’t seem to exist when I’m with her. Maybe we’ve been here an hour, maybe six. Who knows? As the night progresses, the tight dress she borrowed seems to cling even more to her as she sweats. The whole front is wet and I can see her pink nipples and areola through the thin white fabric.

I feel like an animal. I want to take her right now, bend her over in front of all these people, tear off the thong panties she’s probably wearing underneath, and fuck her so hard that everyone will hear her screams above the sound of the music.

Just as that fantasy is starting to take full effect, she turns to me, raises up on her tip toes. I lean down, my heart racing. For a moment I think she’ll kiss me, but then she moves her lips to my ear.

“I need a drink,” she says.

I sigh and chuckle at myself for getting so worked up. We make our way back to Deb, sitting at a table, texting. Lillian is still at the bar, flirting up the guy she had her eye on earlier. Our drinks are on the table.

“Watch our stuff while I go outside to call James?” Deb asks. “It’s morning at home. I want to talk to him before he goes to work.”

“Of course,” Channa says.

Deb disappears and Channa, even though she’d just been grinding against me, suddenly looks shy. She fiddles with her drink and looks off into the crowd of dancers as if she doesn’t know what to say to me.

“I find you endlessly fascinating,” I tell her.

The flush in her cheeks deepens when her eyes find mine. “Why is that?”

“You go so quickly from shy to flirty to shy again. I have a feeling you’re hiding something.”

She looks uneasy and averts her eyes again. She doesn’t answer.

As soon as Deb comes back and is able to sit with our drinks, I grab Channa’s hand before she can completely shut down on me. I lead her out to the dance floor again. This time I’m not doing subtle. I want her to know exactly what my intensions are. She can either go with it or deny me.

The flashing lights dim into black lights. Her white dress glows. I press my hard cock against her, practically dry humping her. The place is so crowded we can hardly move. I use this time to get even bolder. I kiss her neck. When she leans her head to the side to give me better access, I know she wants it too. My hand slides up her body. Her chest moves quickly with her breath as I cup my hand around one of her breasts and rub my thumb across her hard nipple.

“I want to fuck you,” I say in her ear. “The question is, am I going to fuck you here in the club or will it be back at the house? Your choice.”

She pulls away and turns to face me. There’s an unease to her expression. Maybe I went too far. Now I’m wishing I could take my words back.

“I can’t,” she says.

Shit. I fucked up.

I sigh, afraid she’ll walk away, but then she surprises me with a smile. She presses her body against mine once again. “Not yet.”

I raise an eyebrow. Not yet means someday, and I’m happy enough with that. Now for a little preview of what she’s missing. I take her hand and put it on my erection. She gasps and looks me in the eyes. Hers are wide and excited.

“I want you,” I say to her. “Do you want me?”

She closes her eyes and grinds against me. “I do. More than anything.”

“If you want me so bad, why don’t you prove it?”

She stares up at me, her blue eyes shining behind long lashes. “How?”

I smile wickedly. “Give me your panties.”

The surprise on her face is priceless. Again her cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink. I wonder about the other pretty and pink parts of her perfect body. If I get my way, I’ll find out soon enough.

“I can’t …”

“You can—”

“No, I literally can’t,” she says. “I’m not wearing any.”

I choke on my own spit. Here I thought she’d been wearing a thong because there weren’t any panty lines, when all along she’s been completely naked under that dress.

My cock starts to throb, and I growl with lust, though she can’t hear it over the music. Every primal urge in me wants to tear that dress off of her.

“I don’t believe you,” I whisper into her ear. But I do believe her. I just want to find out for myself.

I feel her entire body start to shake as I run my hand down her hip until I reach the hem of her dress. Her eyes dart around, afraid we’ll get caught, but it’s too dark for anyone to see what we’re doing, and no one is paying attention anyway; they’re too busy doing their own naughty business, trying not to get caught.

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