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Broderick (Sabine Valley 2)

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Fuck, I really don’t want to think about my reaction to that, either.

That gets her to look at me, but it takes me several long beats to recognize her expression. She’s…angry. She pulls her hair tie out and drags her hand through her hair. “Contrary to what some people think, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself—and making my own decisions.” She strides out of the bar without looking back.

Monroe’s throaty laugh has been haunting my dreams. Even so, the memory doesn’t come close to living up to reality. “Wow. You managed to stick your foot in your mouth within thirty seconds without any help from me. Impressive.”

“I just want her safe. That’s not a bad thing.” I don’t mean to say it, but of course she capitalizes on it the second I do.

She laughs again. “You really are a fool when it comes to her. It would be irritating if it weren’t so useful.”

I spin on her, backing her against the bar and planting my hands on either side of her body. As much as I hate to admit it, she looks good. The overwhelming desire to shred her clothes with my bare hands and bend her over the bar nearly takes my breath away. What the fuck is wrong with me? This woman is a poison in my blood, and now she’s expanding that to my friendship with Shiloh, too. We were already on rocky ground without Monroe swinging in on a wrecking ball to shatter us irreparably.

Except…maybe this isn’t Monroe at all. Nothing’s been the same since coming back to Sabine Valley. Monroe might drive me up the wall, but I’ve been on edge since we put this plan into motion. She’s just savvy enough to identify my fault lines and drive a semi-truck right through it.

None of that means I’m going to let her run roughshod over one of the people I care about most in this world. “Stay away from her.”

“Mmm.” She trails a single finger down the center of my chest. “Even if I were inclined to do that—and I’m not—who’s going to tell Shiloh to stay away from me?” She hooks that wandering finger in the band of my pants and tugs. The tiniest of sensations, but I’m instantly hard as a rock. “Want to go a round, Broderick Paine? Your girl is sexy as hell when she comes, but she’s a selfish little thing.”

The fondness in her voice makes my blood pressure rise. It’s an act. It has to be. She’s just doing this to punish me. She’s willing to hurt Shiloh to fuck with me. “I’ll get her taken off your guard duty.”

Monroe smiles, slow and sure. “Might want to ask her what she thinks before you charge in all high-handed to save her.”

“I’m not going to let you fuck around with Shiloh in some misguided attempt to hurt me.” Shiloh’s only in Sabine Valley—in danger—because of her association with me and my family. It’s all too easy to draw the parallels between Shiloh and the people who died the night we were exiled. Just like that, the scent of smoke scorches my nose. So many fucking people died and their only crime was being associated with the Paine family.

Just like Shiloh is.

“I will not let you hurt her,” I repeat.

“Hurt her?” She raises her brows. “Silly man. Who said this had anything to do with you? I’m a woman with needs, and right now those needs include getting Shiloh naked and coming on my tongue. You don’t enter into the equation. Neither does hurting her—unless she’s into that sort of thing.”


“You think so little of her that you really believe she’s not attractive enough to pull me? I can’t decide if that’s a compliment or an insult.” She tilts her head to the side. “I think it’s both—to both of us.”

“Listen to me, Monroe, because I will only say this once.” My voice is so low and rough, I hardly sound like myself. No, I sound like my brother Cohen right before he does something violent. The thought nearly shocks me back to myself. Or it would if Monroe weren’t so damned close. She’s still tugging on the band of my pants, and I wouldn’t put it past her to undo them right here.

I can picture it as clearly as I pictured fucking her over the bar earlier. Digging my hand into that mass of blond hair and driving her to her knees. Of finding the single way to keep her silent—by fucking that wicked mouth.

Damn it.

I’m out of control.

How does she do this? No one gets under my skin so thoroughly, let alone in seconds. “Stay the fuck away from Shiloh,” I repeat.

“You don’t get to make that decision.” The voice comes from behind me, light and clear and angry enough to singe.

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