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Every Way

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“Oh my...” Bryan said breathlessly. “Oh, Hailey, he’s ...”

“It’s a boy?” I asked.

I felt myself growing tired as my body began to relax.

“You have to take a look at him. Hailey, you were right. I can’t believe the ultrasound doctors were wrong. Wait, Hailey? Hailey!”

Bryan’s voice was getting farther and farther away as the room became frantic. I could hear my baby crying out for me as my breasts began to grow taut. I could only feel the pressure, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.

“Put her out,” the doctor said. “And she’s going to need two pints of blood.”


Bryan’s voice was the last thing I remembered before everything went blank.

Chapter 27


I stayed by my son’s side as the nurses and I gave him his first bath. But my mind was still with Hailey. They had pulled me out of the room so we could take our son for some tests, but my heart was still with Hailey. She was out on the table with her abdomen spread open, dying right there in front of my eyes. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way in hell I was losing Hailey today.

As I stood watching the nurses run their tests and give him his first shots, I felt numb, frozen in an instance of time. This was supposed to be a moment of rejoicing, a moment of happiness between the two of us. Instead, Hailey was on an operating table battling for her life while I sat in a room waiting for any news of her.

Despite our son being born early, he was still a healthy weight. The nurses said if Hailey had carried to term, she could’ve easily given birth to a ten-pound child. Tears rose in my eyes just hearing her name, and guilt washed over my body. I needed to be happy that I had a healthy baby boy.

But instead, I was ridden with guilt.

My tackle had caused all of this. Taking Hailey to the ground to protect her resulted in her being on an operating table. If I lost Hailey today, I would never forgive myself. I would never get over the fact that I had murdered the love of my life trying to save her life from her past.

The nurse placed our son in my arms before she patted my back.

“We’ve got some breast milk coming from our NICU donor bank. You can feed him. He’ll only need less than half an ounce at a time, if that. And it smells like you have your first diaper to change.”

Our son’s first diaper. A milestone I didn’t think was important now seemed like the entire world. It was a milestone Hailey was missing because of my negligence. Because of my need to protect her.

I felt tears crest my eyes as I nodded.

“Is there any word on her yet?”

“When there is, I’ll run here as fast as I can,” the nurse said.

I walked our son in my arms back to the room they told me Hailey would eventually occupy. I sat down in a chair, waiting for them to bring my son his first-ever meal. Milestone after milestone Hailey was missing because of that damn chemotherapy. Because of that fucking cancer. Because I had dropped my body weight on her to protect her.

The moments passed by like a blur. I had the nurse call my parents and update them on what was going on. Within the span of minutes, my father and my mother were barreling through the doors of the room I was sitting in, asking questions a mile a minute as I stared at the wall.

“What happened?”

“Where is she?”

“Is there any news?”

“To hell there’s no news, I’m going to get a doctor.”

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Oh my gosh, he’s beautiful.”

Their voices swirled around my head, but I couldn’t hear them. I was feeding my son his third meal of the day and was about to be faced with his second diaper. The sheer amount of black tar coming out of my son’s butt was astounding, and I committed every single moment to memory so I could tell Hailey about it when she got into this room.

Because her ending up anywhere else was not an option.

“Mr. McBride?”

I slowly panned my gaze up and saw the doctor standing at the door. I jumped from my seat, my son teetering in my arms. But my mother reached out to take him, and I paused. My eyes connected with hers, and I saw tears glistening in her eyes. There was a genuine smile on her face, though there was worry painted behind her stare.

“Just let me take him. He’ll be safe. I promise. Go talk with the doctor,” she said.

I relinquished my son to his grandmother before I went with the doctor.

“Is she okay?” I asked.

“She’s stable and in recovery, yes,” he said.

I fell against the wall as tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks.

“That’s the good news,” the doctor said.

“There’s bad news?” I asked.

“Her uterus didn’t tear in one large space like we thought. It had several miniscule tears. That was why the blood loss happened so slowly.”

“It didn’t look like it happened slowly,” I said.

“I know, but trust me. It did,” the doctor said. “We tried to repair all of the tiny tears, but the lining of her uterus was so weakened from the chemotherapy and the stretching of her pregnancy that any stitch we made simply created more tears.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“The only way to save Hailey’s life was to remove her uterus, Mr. McBride.”

The force of that realization didn’t hit me as hard as it probably should have. Hailey didn’t have a uterus, but she was alive. That meant no more natural kids, but with the way Hailey hated being pregnant, she would probably adopt anyway. I had no idea how she was going to process that piece of information, but the only thing that was important to me was Hailey.

And the fact that she was alive.

“Thank you, doctor. For everything you did,” I said.

“They’re going to wheel her in here in a little bit. The mother and the baby need some skin-to-skin contact. For both of their sakes.”

And like clockwork, I heard wheels rumbling down the hallway.

I turned my head and saw Hailey’s pale body stirring on the bed. I gripped her hand as she came rushing by and kept holding onto it as they directed her into the room. I took our son from my mother’s arms and unwrapped him. Then, I helped settle him on her chest as I peeled back her surgical gown.

Hailey groaned and tried to open her eyes, but her hand came up and held her son close to her.

“My baby boy,” she whispered.

“You were right,” I said as I kissed her forehead. “I still can’t believe you were right over all those doctors’ insistence.”

“Mother’s intuition,” I said.

My mother and father came and sat at her side as I perched on the edge of her bed.

“Hailey, there’s something I need to tell you,” I said.

“What?” she asked.

Hailey’s eyes peeled open as I looked at my parents.

“The surgery went well, and everything’s fine with our son,” I said.

“Good,” she said. “How’s he eating?”

“Well,” my mother said. “I fed him for a fourth time while Bryan was talking with the doctor.”

“Oh. Hey there, guys,” Hailey said. “Have you called Anna? And Drew? They’ll want to know about everything.”

“If you want to give me your phone, Bryan, I can call them,” my father said.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket and handed it over to my father.

“Thanks,” I said.

“Not a problem. Want me to call Hailey’s parents too?” he asked.

“I don’t have their numbers,” I said.

“We’ll video them later. They won’t be in town,” Hailey said.

“Well, we’re here,” my mother said as she took Hailey’s hand. “Bryan, what did the doctor say?”

“I think they had to remove my uterus,” Hailey said.

“Wait, you know?” I asked.

“It’s my body. The moment I woke up, I knew something was off,” she said.

“Oh my gosh. What happened?” my mother asked.

“Her uterus was too thin to handle the stitching required to fix it. The only way to stop the bleeding was to remove it,” I said.

“Oh, Hailey,” my mother said.

I watched her rub down my wife’s forehead with her hand, brushing her hair out of her face.

“Is there anything I can get you? Water? Ice?”

“Food? I’m starving,” Hailey said.

“I called Anna and Drew. They’re on their way,” my father said.

“I’ll go talk to the doctors and see when you can eat,” my mother said.

I was shocked at my mother’s demeanor, and I could tell Hailey was too. But it was a welcomed change of pace from the shit we had been dealing with from her, so I wasn’t going to question it. I bent over and kissed Hailey’s forehead as our son began to nuzzle his way to her breast. Hailey looked down and guided him toward her nipple, and then he latched on and started eating.

“That feels weird,” Hailey said.

“He looks strong,” my father said.

“Oh, is he eating? That’s good. I struggled to get Bryan to latch for weeks,” my mother said.

“Do you two have a name?” my father asked.

“Where’s Hailey? Where’s the baby?”

Before we could answer, Anna and Drew came bursting into the room.

“Holy shit, Hailey. How are you feeling? What happened? Oh wow, it’s a boy, isn’t it?” Anna asked.

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