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“This could also be a disgruntled ex-employee. You know, someone who’s pissed off about losing their job.”

“Well, I’m glad you’ve got someone looking into all of this. You handing over information as you come up with it?” he asked.

“Yeah, but I’m trying to do it without raising any flags, and that's taking some time.”

“If that’s what you want, go ahead. I’ll keep an eye and an ear out, like always. If I hear or see anything weird, I’ll let you know now that I know you’ve got someone on this case or whatever.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“And I’ll make sure this video stuff is being set up right in your absence if you want me to. Since you’ll be frolicking with the girlfriend.”

“You’re not happy about that, are you?”

“I get your need for relief. I know it’ll distract you from all this shit that’s going on with you. Anything I can do to help, you let me know. Don’t let one aspect of your life slide in preparation for another, though. That gets tricky.”

“I can balance the need for sex and the need for work, Jacob. Done it all my life.”

“But now you have someone trying to take your life. That’s a serious thing,” he said.

“Got it, Jacob. Just keep an eye on all this shit while I’m gone, okay?” I asked.

“You got it, boss.”

“Now, for another question.”

“Fuck. What? I’ve got work to do,” I said.

“Who’s the Calvin Klein model sitting on your sofa?”

He nodded over toward John who picked up his hand and waved.

“That’s my new hired bodyguard to throw everyone off my scent,” I said.

“Whatever suits your fancy. Let me know when you touch down in Vegas, okay?”

“You got it.”

Jacob turned on his heels to leave just as Sam came crashing through the door. She was wearing sunglasses and her stereotypical skinny jeans as well as a black T-shirt. I rolled my eyes and sighed as Jacob’s eyes scanned her body, stopping Sam in her tracks.

Jacob looked back at me with a quizzical look before I shrugged.

“Hope you’re not dressing like that to travel,” Jacob said.

I stifled a laugh as Sam’s frown grew deeper on her face.

Jacob nodded his head and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Sam’s eyes rolled over to me as her sunglasses slid down her face. What the hell did this woman want now? And why the fuck did she insist on wearing such tight ass pants?

“Did I forget something?” I asked.

“Always,” she said.

Then she handed me a list of the suspects she’d compiled, requesting their full work files from the company.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“Yep. You can hand them off to me tomorrow on the plane,” she said.

“Tomorrow afternoon?” I asked.

“See you then,” she said.

Chapter 12


THE PLANE TOOK OFF for Vegas promptly at nine fifteen the next morning. My bag was packed with everything I could need for a possible ambush, and I was on high-alert. Derek placed the folders of information I needed in my hands, and I slid them into my bag, saving that work for tonight after I swept his hotel room for bugs and traps.

“Okay. I’m going to take this time in the air with you to talk about your past,” I said.

“Sounds like a good time,” Derek said. “Care for some champagne?”

“I’m good. I don’t drink on the job. So, how many past lovers have you had?”

“Wow. We really just hopped in there, didn’t we?” he asked.

“I want to make the most of our time together.”

“How romantic,” he said.

“I don’t want your official past. You know, the past you put out to the public. I need the past you don’t talk about.”

“Under one condition,” he said.


“I’ll answer any question you ask if you promise to answer it in return.”

“Fine, if that’s what it takes,” I said. “How many past lovers have you had?”

“Dated or slept with?”

“Dated and slept with more than once,” I said.

“Three,” he said. “Your turn.”

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