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Her body was still weak, holding a slight tremble like she hadn’t fully recuperated from our passionate session in the elevator.

“I’m not worried because I have you protecting me, Sam.”

Her eyes danced between mine before she cleared her throat.

“I’m going to have John watch you for the next few nights.”

“Then who’s gonna watch Jacob?” I asked.

“I’ll have someone on his detail, don’t worry. I’m not leaving him alone, but I’ve got some other things I need to check into, and John’s the only person I trust with you right now.”

“Jacob needs to be protected.”

“And he will be because I’m here,” she said.

I heard voices behind the elevator door as Sam took one last look at herself in the stainless steel reflection of the wall. We stood in front of the doors as the firemen inserted their key, whipping the doors open so we could get out. Sam pushed through them, and I followed in a swift motion, feeling their eyes on our backs as we left the washroom suite.

“That’ll be all, gentlemen,” I said as I turned around. “Since there’s no fire, your services are no longer needed.”

Chapter 22


A Few Days Later


“Sit down and buckle up, sweet cheeks. We got ourselves a doozy. So, no real information on Emma except what you found. Sorry, hun. But, this Gretchen girl is fantastic.”

“How so?” I asked. “What did you find?”

‘It wasn’t what I found on her, but what I found on people like her. Apparently, she’s not the only person who has been fed false information about our Mr. Steele.”

“What do you mean?”

“Girl, she ain’t the only reporter who’s gotten shit information on our man. There have been several complaints filed against a nameless, faceless individual about improper factual information. And all of it surrounding our luscious Derek.”

“Could you not call him that?” I asked.

“Oh, honey. You know it’s true. I bet the muscles that man is rockin’ underneath that suit could rock my world.”

I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath as I tried to chase away the memory of his body against mine.

“Anyway, none of the reporters gave up who this false prophet is, but I’ll keep digging. But our fireball minx of a reporter isn’t the only one who’s been duped by him,” Lance said.

“Any reason to assume it’s a man?” I asked.

“Isn’t it always a man, honey? Women want to destroy hearts. Men want to destroy reputations. Remember that.”

That was actually a really good point.

“Got anything else?”

“A phone number for Miss Gretchen. I figured you’d wanna call her and have a little girl talk.”

“Send it my way. Thanks, Lance.”

“Anything for you, beautiful. I’m out!”

Something didn’t sit right with me about Emma, but the Gretchen trail was all I had to chase for now. I knew Derek wasn’t a fan of John watching over him these past few nights, but I didn’t have time to unpack whatever macho bullshit was going on with him. I needed time away from him to look into Emma without him pressing me every step of the way. It worried me that he kept stepping up to her defense, but what was even more worrying was the constant mixed signals I was getting from her.

I sat at my computer as the night blanketed the sky. The stars were twinkling, and there were horns honking in the distance, indicative of the impatient people who were scattered across the terrain of San Francisco. I sat in my chair next to the fireplace, my laptop balanced on my lap. There was something about Emma I couldn’t put my finger on, and I was determined to figure it out.

But the more I kept digging, the more questions went unanswered.

I grew impatient with what I was finding. I grew impatient with the loose strings and the unanswered questions and the new questions that kept piling on top of each other. My phone rang out a message from Lance containing Gretchen’s number. Even if she wouldn’t give up her source, I was still suspicious of her visit to Vegas, especially with her appearances at Derek’s company.

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