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Courage (Billionaire Secrets 3)

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“We’re going in a professional capacity.” Simon tried to ignore the painful squeeze of his heart. Because the last thing he wanted was a professional relationship with Heather. He wanted more. So much more. Wanted it so badly it felt like his heart might explode behind his ribcage.

“Do you expect me to believe that?” Everett barked.

“I don’t give a damn what you believe,” Simon countered. “This is my company.”

“If you cared so much about your company, you’d stay away from that wo-Ms. Hall.” Everett’s eyes flashed with anger. “Things have just started to improve. Sales are better. They’re not as good as we wanted, mind you, but they’re getting there. And on top of it, our legal department has just informed us that the compromising photo of you and Ms. Hall won’t be released. We managed to secure a legal motion that keeps it out of the press. For now, anyway. Plus, news of the hacking has died down. Things are finally starting to go right. Why jeopardize that?”

“I’m not trying to jeopardize anything.” He was losing control of his temper. Simon could actually feel the control slipping from his grasp. The fact that Everett was using his company against Heather filled him with a rage he couldn’t describe. It was low to try to use profit margins and sales against Heather. She meant so much more than that.

If he had to choose between Dover and Heather, he’d pick Heather. Without question. Without hesitation.

That thought released the vise that was crushing his heart. Heather meant more to him than his dreams. Because Heather was his dream. She was what he wanted. That was why the prospect of this trip had put his mind in such a fog. Why he’d so easily finessed a way to convince her to go to California with him.

It wasn’t about the acquisition. Sure, he was excited about this new startup, but that paled in comparison to the prospect of getting to be with her, away from the judgment of everyone at Dover. Even though he knew that she was through with him, just being in her presence would be enough to soothe the dull ache that his heart had become.

That was why he checked his messages on his phone so obsessively. The chance that she had sent him a message had turned him into the kind of man who was glued to his phone. Sometimes, he found himself daydreaming about her. Literally daydreaming about her voice. Her perfume. The way her lips curved into a smile. Nothing thrilled him more than when he was the one to make her smile. Make her laugh.

It was then that it dawned on him. He was in love with Heather.

Simon had always known that love was a chemical trick of the brain. But what he hadn’t known until this moment was that the chemicals were proof that love was actually a real, tangible thing. If even his brain reacted to her, then that made his love for her a scientific, provable fact. An undeniable thing like the moon, or carbon dioxide.

“Simon?” Everett’s voice dragged him from his racing thoughts. “Why don’t you sit down so we can have a civilized discussion?”

“Why? You’ve already made up your mind.” Simon crossed his arms.

“Everett, taking Heather to California was my idea,” Linda interrupted. “Don’t blame Simon.”

Simon held up his hand to silence her. “No, Linda. This is entirely my decision. It had nothing to do with you.” He wasn’t going to let Linda risk Everett’s wrath.

“I do blame Simon,” Everett said to Linda. “I hold him solely responsible for the mess we’re in.”

“Funny, you blame me when times are tough, but never when they’re good,” Simon said. “You always took the credit for when Dover did well.”

Everett’s face turned red. “That’s not fair.”

“I don’t care. It’s the truth.”

“You cannot throw this company away for Ms. Hall,” Everett said. “You’re to inform her immediately that she will no longer be going on this trip. Either find someone else or go alone.”

“No.” Simon’s eyes swept across the room, making sure he locked eyes with every senior executive sitting at the table, so they would know he was serious. “I’m only going to say this once. I’m not giving her up for anything. I love her. If you don’t like it, you can all go to hell.”

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