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Courage (Billionaire Secrets 3)

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“That’s absolutely right,” August said with an approving smile. “You’ve done your homework.”

She had. As nervous as she was about this trip, she couldn’t help but be excited about this new acquisition. Blue Naught was doing a lot of important work, and she knew a company like this excited Simon the same way it did her.

Suddenly, Simon’s arm slid across her waist protectively, his hand landing on the small of her back. “Heather is one of our top employees. Your marketing strategy will be in good hands with her.”

His touch was probably inappropriate. Far too familiar for work, but she didn’t care. Her body welcomed it. Craved it. And his compliment sent a tingle through her body.

He was looking right at her. Appreciation and pride flashed in his eyes. He was staring at her as if in awe of her.

She was getting lost in the pools of his blue eyes, her heart fluttering at the way he was gazing at her. Like they were the only two people here.

August cleared his throat softly, making her pivot away from Simon.

They had to look professional. But that was so hard to do while her heart was thudding so loudly in her chest she was sure he could hear it.

“How about we step into my office,” August suggested. “We don’t have to have any serious discussions since I’m sure you must be tired, but I thought I could get you up to speed on what we’ve been working on recently.”

“Sounds great,” Simon said tightly, reminding her that he had never been good at meeting and networking with people.

August led them to his office and they spent the next hour talking about Blue Naught’s most recent developments and accomplishments. Heather tried her best to focus on maintaining a professional air even though she could still feel Simon’s heavy hand burning through the fabric of her blouse.

She kept reminding herself that all she had to do was focus on work. Focus and get through the day. Even if her body kept reacting to being so close to Simon after all this time apart, she was determined to get through the day without falling for his charms.

BY THE TIME THEY COMPLETED their business at Blue Naught headquarters, it was early afternoon. Simon invited August back to their luxury hotel to unwind and they ordered lunch by the hotel swimming pool.

The hotel was crawling with the rich and famous, and many of them were tanning themselves by the pool. With so many celebrities around, Simon knew he had no reason to fear being recognized. In L.A., the press wasn’t going to pay him one bit of attention. Not when movie stars and pop stars were running around.

While they ate their salmon, Simon watched as Heather chatted with August. Despite her shyness, she had always been good at connecting with people when the occasion called for it. She was doing brilliantly. Taking an interest in August’s work, telling him jokes, showing off how smart she was. He marveled at her ability to put powerful people at ease.

Linda had been right to suggest her, and he was glad he had managed to convince Heather to come. This would be a major boost for her career. The board might not like her presence in California at the moment, but he was confident in her abilities. If she kept up the good work, she’d change Everett’s mind in no time.

“So, Simon, how are things in Seattle?” August asked. “I’d love to know a little bit more about how Dover’s board operates.”

Simon shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He had stormed out of the conference room the day before and hadn’t heard a word from any of the board members. But he hadn’t told Heather about that. It wasn’t that he was deliberately keeping it from her. He just wasn’t sure how to broach the subject with her. Not to mention, even if he did explain the board meeting, he’d have to reveal that he was so in love with her he had basically threatened to let Dover crumble.

He still planned on winning her back. The only person who could stop him from that goal was Heather herself. And considering how she literally jumped when he touched her earlier in the afternoon, he knew that he had to be careful. If he went too fast, he was liable to scare her off. However, California was the perfect place to rekindle a romance with her and he wasn’t going to let the chance go.

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