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Trust (Billionaire Secrets 4)

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Falling in love with him all over again had ignited a desire she hadn’t thought possible. For years Gary had dismissed her as boring. Dull and repressed. And for years she had believed him. But the truth was, Simon brought out a side of her that Gary would never see. Mostly because it had been impossible to open up to a man who constantly belittled her the way Gary had. She might have been staid and uptight, but Simon never made her feel like it was wrong to be herself. Simon allowed her to open up and reveal herself completely. With him, she wanted to hold nothing back. Not when he looked at her like that with such stark, possessive need.

He didn’t say anything, just got to his feet, walked over to her and leaned down to press his mouth to hers. Sparks of heat shot through her body and she moaned softly when he ran a hand through her loose locks of hair.

Eager for more, she pulled him down onto the loveseat. As he slipped his arms around her waist in response, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

His tongue pried her mouth open, sending more sparks of heat through her body. As their tongues danced, her hands slid down until she felt his hard chest underneath her fingertips. Another moan escaped her throat, and she knew that if she didn’t stop now she was in danger of tearing his shirt off and having her way with him right here on the verandah. Reluctantly, she tore her lips from his.

“I think you might be breaking the rules already.” Her exhale came out on a trembling breath.

He held up his hands as his chest rose and fell with each heaving breath. “Okay. So I’m not good at following my own rules.” A smile played on his lips. “How about we focus on my plans for tomorrow night?”

“Plans?” she asked, suddenly intrigued. Her lips were still tingling from his kiss, so she welcomed any distraction that might force her to keep her hands to herself.

Simon nodded. “I want Finn to have fun, but we still have to keep a low profile. The board isn’t going to like it if we’re recognized or seen by the local press. So, I figured out a way to get away from the privacy of the resort without being spotted.”

She bit her lip. “I had wondered how we were going to pull off a vacation and lay low at the same time.”

“Well, the beach is private and we have the swimming pool all to ourselves, but I promised Finn he was going to see sharks on this trip,” he said.

“He’s been talking about the sharks ever since you told him about them.” She laughed. “I don’t think we’ll be able to leave Florida until we can see them.”

“Well, that’s the plan for tomorrow evening,” Simon said. “When Finn wakes up, we’re going shark sighting.”

She grinned wickedly. “You know that rule we just agreed to? Can we start it, say, in about ten minutes? Maybe twenty?”

His hand slid across her breast. “I think I can agree to those terms. What did you have in mind?”

She stood and headed inside, knowing he would follow her. She glanced to Finn’s door, double-checking it was still closed. She turned and motioned for Simon to follow her into the kitchen and sat down on the marble counter. “Will this work? Think you can keep quiet?”

“Are you offering yourself to me?” Simon already had his shirt off and she marveled at the tight, rippled abs and hard chest.

She nodded and shifted, pulling her panties off from beneath her sun dress. The marble was cold against her skin but it felt good. The heat burning inside her needed something. Him. “Fuck me, pretty please?”

He bent forward and thrust his tongue into her mouth. He moaned as his hands came to rest on her hips. His lips slowly left her mouth and moved to leave a trail of delicious kisses down her jaw and neck. He then moved to her shoulder, biting her through her dress. “I want you. Desperately.”

His hands pushed her dress up over her hips and then fumbled with the button and zipper of his own pants. She let her head fall back as Simon’s thickened flesh grazed the inside of her hip. She shivered with pleasure.

“You are so beautiful,” Simon whispered reverently.

Sliding her hands on the island, she shifted closer to him and arched her hips as she spread her legs. She closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting for him.

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