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Trust (Billionaire Secrets 4)

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When she leaned over the glass to look down at some necklaces, she sighed softly. “They are nice,” she admitted. “And I haven’t bought any jewelry in ages.”

“You can have whichever one you like,” he said.

“Simon, look at the price tag,” she protested. “How can they possibly sell three-thousand-dollar necklaces in a gift shop?”

One of the gift shop assistants appeared and beamed at them. “These items are for our high-end visitors. We’ve also partnered with some world-class designers for our extra-special perfume line. All proceeds from our luxury goods go right back into ocean conservation. Right now we’re having a drive to help regions that have been devastated by oil spills.”

“See? It’s for a good cause,” Simon said to her.

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look at that one.” She pointed at a gold necklace with a bejeweled pendant shaped like a starfish.

The assistant took the necklace out and Simon helped her put it on.

He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder to kiss her tenderly. “Tell me you want it, and it’s yours.”

“But what about a gift for you?” she asked.

“Heather, there’s literally nothing on earth I want other than for you and Finn to be happy,” he said. “Your happiness is my gift.”

Her full, sensuous lips curved up into a faint smile. “In that case, I suppose you can get this gift for me.”

“That’s more like it.” He planted another kiss on her shoulder.

“Are you guys going to start kissing?” Finn appeared beside them.

Heather’s face turned crimson and she cleared her throat awkwardly.

Simon suppressed a chuckle and patted Finn’s head gently. “Is that the gift you’ve decided to get?”

“Yup.” Finn was cradling a plastic shark in his arms.

“Would you like a book as well?” Simon asked. “I saw some books about sharks over on those shelves.”

“Simon...” Heather’s body stiffened as her voice trailed off.

Finn stared up at her, a pleading look in his eyes. “Can I get a book, Mom? Can I? Please?”

Simon placed a hand on the small of her back, gently encouraging her to let go of her reservation about buying gifts.

“Mommy, it’s a teaching book. Like school. I’ll be the best shark knower at school!”

With a sigh she nodded. “Okay. One book to go with your toy and that’s it.”

“Yay!” Finn rushed over to the bookshelves.

“You’re going to spoil him rotten.” Her lips thinned, but her eyes were all lit up.

“You should be glad he wants to read,” he said.

“I think I’m starting to see why you two get along,” she said.

“Why do you think we get along?” he asked.

“You’re both a couple of nerds, that’s why,” she said good-naturedly.

He laughed at that and headed over to the cashier to pay.

By the time Simon drove their rental car back to the resort, Finn was fast asleep in the backseat.

As Heather gathered their gift bags Simon got out of the car to open the passenger door, unbuckled Finn’s seatbelt, and lifted him into his arms.

Finn stirred, but his eyes remained closed as he snored softly. Simon followed Heather into Finn’s room and gently placed him down on the bed.

Heather reached for the stuffed dinosaur on the nightstand and placed it beside Finn.

“I didn’t know he brought Archie with him,” Simon said softly.

She nodded. “Yes. Usually he brings his stuffed bear when he sleeps away from our house, but he insisted on bringing the dinosaur.”

The strangest feeling made his heart twinge. He had been afraid that Finn wouldn’t warm up to him. Simon had spent most of his adult life shutting people out, which had made him assume that Finn would do the same. But the exact opposite had happened. Finn had been eager to bond with him. Eager to include him in his interests.

Seeing Finn sleep beside the dinosaur he had bought for him moved him more than anything ever had in his life. The most important person in Heather’s life had accepted him without hesitating. Simon hadn’t even known that kind of open-heartedness was possible, but with Finn it felt like every day brought something new for him to learn.

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