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Hired for the Boss's Bedroom

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Their wedding had been a quiet affair and afterwards had come the process of moving. Although thankfully, as far as Heather was concerned, not to London but to a village slightly more accessible for road and rail links and not very far away from Katherine so that Daniel could continue at his school.

Heather hadn’t believed Leo when he had told her that he was a changed man, that his workaholic days were over, but he was true to his word, and only left the country when absolutely necessary. She felt blessed to be on his learning curve with him as he forged deep bonds with his son, finding shared interests in the most unlikely places.

And now…

She looked at the kitchen clock and her heart gave its familiar little lurch as she heard the click of the front door opening. When he walked into the kitchen, bringing with him that wonderful scent that was so peculiarly him, she walked straight up to him and curved into his open arms. Two whole nights away from him because he had had to go to New York to close a deal. Nearly three nights, when you worked out that it was almost ten in the evening.

‘Next time you’re coming with me,’ he growled, smothering her in kisses, feeling as though he was finally coming home where he belonged as her body pressed against his. He tenderly unbuttoned her shirt and sighed with gratification as he saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

‘Don’t you want to eat first?’ Heather breathed, blissfully happy when he said that he had other things on his mind to eat that had nothing to do with food. The passing of time had not diminished their craving for one another, and their bodies were so finely tuned to each other’s needs that his light touch against her thigh had her parting her legs, offering every inch of her body for his exploring hands.

‘No panties,’ he murmured into her ear. ‘Just the way I like it…’ He had long ceased to marvel that every time he touched her he felt as aroused as if he were touching her for the first time. Sometimes they could not even make it to the bedroom, and tonight was one of those times.

‘You and Daniel,’ he said with raw honesty, ‘are the lynchpins of my entire life.’

‘And soon you’ll have another…’ The news which she had been hugging to herself for the past day brought a radiant smile to her lips. ‘I’m pregnant.’

A new life beginning, a new journey, and there was no one in the whole world she would rather share both with.

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